READING BEFORE Set a purpose for reading Ask questions Predict Use prior knowledge
READING During Reread or read ahead Paraphrase Summarize Identify main ideas and details Vocabulary – Use context clues – Analyze word parts – Recognize word origins
READING Analyze text structure Analyze author’s purpose Distinguish between facts and opinions Identify evidence Evaluate credibility
READING AFTER Evaluate understanding Recall information
GEOGRAPHY Analyze the 5 themes of geography Location Regions Place Movement Human-environmental interaction
GEOGRAPHY Understand latitude and longitude Understand the movements of Earth Analyze map projections Read maps Read the title Read the key Use the scale bar and compass rose
GEOGRAPHY Analyze special-purpose maps – Study title, locator globe, scale bar, and compass rose
CRITICAL THINKING Analyze graphic data – Read titles – Use labels and the key – Interpret the graph Analyze images – Identify the content – Note emotions – Read captions/credits – Study purpose – Consider – Context – respond
CRITICAL THINKING Analyze timelines – Identify time units – Read each entry – Look for patterns among the events Analyze primary sources – Read the headnotes, captions, or attribution line – Read the primary source – Identify facts and opinions – Identify bias and evaluate credibility
CRITICAL THINKING Compare viewpoints – Identify the author – Examine the viewpoints – Determine the author’s frame of reference – Recognize facts and opinions – Evaluate each viewpoint’s validity Synthesize information – Identify thesis statements – Compare and contrasts – Draw conclusions and generalize
CRITICAL THINKING Analyze cause and effect Identify the central event Locate clue words Identify causes and effects Consider timeframe Make recommendations
CRITICAL THINKING Problem solving and decision making Identify the problem Gather information and identify options Consider advantages and disadvantages Decide on and implement the solution Evaluate the decision
CRITICAL THINKING Draw inferences and conclusioins Study the facts Summarize information Ask questions Add your own knowledge Draw inferences and conclusions
CRITICAL THINKING Use the internet for research Begin a search Find reliable information Evaluate web sites Use advance searches