Hello, I am Terriana Ward. I am in the 8 th grade. I am thirteen years old. My hobbies are shopping and dancing. My roll model is my mother and my uncle. I have the best life that there could ever be and I’m loving life.
My mother’s name is KinShaSha.N. Ward. My fathers name is Edward Portis. I also have a loving uncle his name is Lamoderick Ward he’s the best uncle anyone can have. I also forgot about my wonderful miraculous step-father. There’s just a few more people that I have to tell about Jacqueline Ward, Marvin Bentley, Sharreta Ellis.
I have a pet it is a girl dog. Her name is Tookie-mama. She is the best dog you could ever have. She’s small and fluffy. She’s a Labrador mixed with a pit-bull. She's the e smallest puppy of them all.
Things I like to do is dance. I like to make my mother proud. I like to make my mother smile. I love to shop.
My favorite books is That was Then This is Know and The Wimpy Kid.
What is my mother’s madden name? How old am I? What is my step father’s name? Whom did I say was the best person in the world?