Building Literacy in Elementary Social Studies Focusing on the The Shifts.


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Presentation transcript:

Building Literacy in Elementary Social Studies Focusing on the The Shifts


Summary This module focuses on the development, purpose, and structure of shifts in ELA and Social Studies and how they relate to the Core.

As a result of this session, participants will be able to: ● Identify the key shifts in ELA related to Social Studies. ● Identify shift connections between the curricular areas. ● Reflect on critical components of ELA Shifts and where/how they fit into Social Studies.

ELA Shifts Continuum Arrow I am very familiar with the ELA Core Literacy shifts. I am not very familiar with the ELA Core Literacy shifts

Connections to C3 Shifts: *Balancing Literature & Expository *Buildinging Knowledge in the Disciplines *Staircase of Complexity *Academic Vocabulary *Text-Based Answers Writing From Sources C3 Dimensions: D1: Developing Questions Texts & Planning Inquiries D2: Applying Disciplinary Concepts and Tools D3: Evaluating Sources and Using Evidence D4: Communicating Conclusions and Taking Informed Action

Multiple Choice What percentage of text should you be using in your classroom for literary and non fiction? A 30% informational & 70% literary B 50% informational & 50% literary C 70% informational & 30% literary D 40% informational & 60% literary

Shift 1: Balancing Literature & Expository Distribution of Literacy and Informational Passages by Grade Level Bands on the 2009 NAEP Reading Framework Common Core Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects. Retrieved from GradeLiteracyInformational K-550% 6-845%55% %70%

Informational text ISIS NOT ●biographies and autobiographies ●books about history, social studies, and the arts ● technical texts: -including directions -forms -information in graphs, charts, or maps, and digital sources on a range of topics ●images and artifacts ●a synonym for non-fiction

Shift 2: Building Knowledge in the Disciplines Primary sources Secondary Sources Primary sources provide first-hand testimony or direct evidence concerning a topic under investigation. They are created by witnesses who experienced the events or conditions being documented. Materials that interpret, assign value to, conjecture upon, and draw conclusions about the events reported in primary sources.

Connect Primary vs. Secondary Sources Sort

Image Analysis Graphic Organizers: ●Comparing Images SOCC Analysis GuideComparing Images SOCC Analysis Guide United States Date: 1830 Artist unknown Library of Congress photo collection Jackson, Mississippi Date: 1937 Photographer: Dorothea Lange Library of Congress photo collection

What does that look like in the classroom? Image Analysis while Sourcing, Observing, Contextualizing, and Corroborating

Shift 3: Staircase of Complexity What does text complexity mean? What does that look like in the elementary setting?

What is text complexity?

Explore What impact will this have on your teaching and your students’ learning?

Annotating Texts Interacting with the text: ? = question or unsure of meaning * = important [ ] = quotable # = info or statistic ___ = new vocabulary Tech tools for annotating Diigo ( Google docs

Question Stems for Text Dependent Questions Did you use evidence from the text to support your answers? Where is your proof? What passage number supports your thinking? Did you quote the text? What specific word or phrase can you use form the text to support your opinion? Where did the author give you a clue for your inference? How do you know that what part of the text helped you? What text features helped you understand the text? What do you think the word means?

Shift 5:Academic Vocabulary Why is vocabulary important? How does knowing the true meaning of a word affect you as a learner?

Number of Terms Per Grade Level in Social Studies SubjectLevel 1 (K-2) Level 2 (3-5) Level 3 (6-8) Level 4 (9-12) Total% of Total History % Geography % Civics % Economics %

What does that Look Like in the Classroom? 3 Rs: Revolution, Reaction, and Reform

Shift 6: Writing From Sources Is this an expository, opinion or persuasive piece of writing? Aexpository Bopinion Cpersuasive

Expository, Opinion, or Persuasive?

Planner for writing piece

Balance of Student Writing

Expository/Informational Writing

Opinion/Persuasive Writing

Implications for Social Studies EXAMPLES: NY ToolkitNY Toolkit: Open sourced RESOURCES: Article: Literacy As the Link Literacy As the Link Article: Using Primary Sources At the Heart of State Core StandardsUsing Primary Sources At the Heart of State Core Standards Site: Docs TeachDocs Teach Site: Teaching Like A HistorianTeaching Like A Historian Site: C3 Teachers (NY Toolkit Resources)C3 Teachers Site:Teaching HistoryTeaching History STRATEGIES/Short Video Clips: Third Grade Photo Analysis Using Source, Observe, Contextualize, Corroborate Analyzing Segregation Images Close Reading Strategy with Non-Fiction TextClose Reading Strategy with Non-Fiction Text (Whole Class) Close Reading While Determining the Main IdeaClose Reading While Determining the Main Idea (Partners) Determining Where an Image Should Placed on the Classroom Timeline

Connections What connections do you see with the ELA and Social Studies in moving your practice forward? ELA SOCIAL STUDIES
