Information and communications technology (ICT) social security project management TEN ISSUES ON ICT MANAGEMENT IN SOCIAL SECURITY ORGANISATIONS ISSA Working Group Marrakech 24 rd May 2006
INDEX THE PROCESS 1.1 Objective Working Group 1.3 Milestones THE OUTCOME 2.1 Key issues 2.2 Chapters 1 to 10 NEXT STEPS
THE PROCESS 1.1 Objective 03 TO IMPROVE PERFORMANCE OF ICT PROJECTS IN SOCIAL SECURITY ORGANISATIONS BY: - Sharing knowledge and experiences. - Demonstrating “good” and “bad” examples. -Providing opportunities for contact with experts in other organizations/countries.
THE PROCESS 1.3 Milestones 05 FROM:.: Valencia TO Beijing.: Beijing TO Moscow.: Moscow TO everywhere
THE PROCESS 1.3 Milestones 06 LESSONS LEARNT FROM THE WORKING GROUP ACTIVITY:.: Public organizations know-how.: Privated sector know-how.: Different ways.: Open-minded Supplier point of view Creative style
09 THE OUTCOME 2.2 Chapters Table of contents Introduction Partnership Social security environment Service delivery Risk management Defining failure Aim of this manual Ten key features of ITC project mamagement For senior executives Summary 1. Project definition Strategy comes first Questiones regarding project definition Approaches Project plan and management of the project Issues for developing countries Lessons learned on project definition issues 2. Project manager The project manager What to look for in a project manager Key responsibilities Lessons learned relating to the project manager 3. Stakeholder involvement Background Who and what are stakeholders? Some experiences analysed Approaches to effective stakeholder involvement Stakeholder roles Lessons learned relating to stakeholder involvement Lessons for start-up project situations 4. Communication strategy Links among users, experts and technicians Ongoing internal communication Lessons learned about communication strategy External communication and marketing Training Management training at the start of a project Training as a major component of the succes of projects Specific strategies for small countries Lessons learned about training issues Background Balancing the requirements Tems and wokload Lessons learned about human resource issues Background Potential consequences of security ICT project risk Approaches Data and legacy application migration Lessons learned regarding project and risk management 9. Project control and monitoring Background What is project control all about? Lessons learned about project control and monitoring Measuring project performance Bibliography Planning and managing human resource issues Build and buy/partnership ICT project management and risk management 10. Assessing project progess – independent project review Background Independent project reviews (IPRs) Lessons learned in assessing project progress IPR scope, depth and timing Annex I: Additional details on certain case studies in this manual Annex II: Members of the Working Group Background Timing The dangers of reacting to promises of vapor-ware Implementation Lessons learned about technology Technology
10 THE OUTCOME Chapter 1: Project definition A PROJECT IS ANY TEMPORARY, ORGANISED EFFORT UNDERTAKEN TO CREATE A UNIQUE PRODUCT, SERVICE OR RESULT.: Strategy comes first.: Different types of projects SPECIAL TIPS:.: Research efforts.: Working with a limited number of suppliers BOTTOM LINE: A project will fail when its benefits and/or deliverables are not clearly defined
11 THE OUTCOME Chapter 2: Project manager A GENERAL RULE IS THAT THE TYPE OF PROJECT DEFINES THE TYPE OF PM REQUIRED.: Soft skills.: Hard skills SPECIAL TIPS: Frequent problems in new projects BOTTOM LINE: The PM is the person who takes overall responsability for co-ordinating a project, regardless of its size, to make sure the desired end result comes in on time, within budget and scope and to the necessary level of quality
12 THE OUTCOME Chapter 3: Stakeholder involvement STAKEHOLDERS DEFINITION.: Internal.: Others SPECIAL TIPS: Promise only what can be delivered and deliver everything that is promised BOTTOM LINE: Involve all types of stakeholders in more meaningful ways.: External
13 THE OUTCOME Chapter 4: Communication.: External communication.: Links between users, experts and technicians SPECIAL TIPS: Do not be afraid to copy the successful efforts of neighbouring countries BOTTOM LINE: Communicate, communicate, communicate.: Internal communication
14 THE OUTCOME Chapter 5: Training.: More and more integrated into the daily environment of the staff SPECIAL TIPS : ICT is best leveraged in those companies that recruit and train smart employees and then provide them with the opportunity to collaborate with other professional people BOTTOM LINE: Training strategy should be established early.: A major key success of ICT projects
15 THE OUTCOME Chapter 6: Human resources.: Outsourcing.: External staff SPECIAL TIPS : The technology selected in each region has to be appropiate to the available skills and infrastructure BOTTOM LINE: Base decisions on business needs and not on the skills available in the ICT department.: Finite human resources
16 THE OUTCOME Chapter 7: Risk management SPECIAL TIPS : Learn from somebody else’s past BOTTOM LINE: An integrated approach is needed.: Approach for risk reduction.: Special circumstances of social security organisations
17 THE OUTCOME Chapter 8: Technology LESSONS FOR START-UP PROJECT SITUATIONS: It is never too soon to start doing the right thing and never too early to learn that long-established institutions are still only testing BOTTOM LINE: Timing the adoption of newer technology.: When to adopt new technologies.: Which technology should be used
18 THE OUTCOME Chapter 9: Project control WHAT IS PROJECT CONTROL ALL ABOUT?.: Control and monitoring.: Measuring project performance LESSONS FOR START-UP PROJECT SITUATIONS: Fast visible wins quickly build up an understanding of ICT issues across the organisation BOTTOM LINE: Triple constraint: scope, time and cost (and quality).: Planning.: Changing the baseline.: Reporting process
19 THE OUTCOME Chapter 10: Assessing project progress – Independent project review LESSONS FOR START-UP PROJECT SITUATIONS: Assessors should be clearly informed that they are formally disqualified from taking over any part of the work they are reviewing BOTTOM LINE: Make the process part of the normal routine.: When to plan it.: Purpose of the IPR.: Scope
Information and communications technology (ICT) social security project management TEN ISSUES ON ICT MANAGEMENT IN SOCIAL SECURITY ORGANISATIONS ISSA Working Group Marrakech 24 rd May 2006