Organizational Processes for TPP Session 4 Teams in Organizations
Session Design (3 hours) Welcome and Overview (10 min.) Analysis of Classic Video on Teams (60 min.) Task Force Management (15 min.) Use a Traditional Case Method (45 min.) – Aston Blair: You are Michael Bacon! Industry Clusters (30 min.) Skill Module (20 min.)
Analysis of Classic Video
Key Group Process for Video Analysis 1.Attending to Task Requirements 2.Attending to Maintenance Functions 3.Using Appropriate Decision-Making Processes 4.Facilitating Communications 5.Using Influence 6.Managing Conflict 7.Managing the Group Atmosphere 8.Managing Emotions
Model of Team Effectiveness
Task Forces & 3 Lenses
New Issues Not Only: How do we satisfy group member needs? But How does the team meet organization needs? Not Only: How can team members work together well? But How do we work with other parts of the organization? Not Only: How do we understand group dynamics But How do we manage team-environment interactions
Stages in Life of a Task Force Defining Mission/Charter Choosing Membership Mapping Stakeholders Getting Started the Right Way! (1st Mtg) Info Gathering & Analysis Forming/Reporting Results & Recommendations Endings – Beginnings for the Next Time
The Sponsor: Issues to Consider
Membership: Who Should be on the Team? Knowledge & Skills: Who has the info we need? – Process, Product, Program Knowledge – Analytic-Technical Skills – Social-Behavioral Skills Political: Who are the critical stakeholders? – Power – Interests – Resources Cultural: Who knows how to get things done here!
Managing Sponsors Negotiate upfront: Charter and Problem Definition Accountability--to whom for what Resources Expectations for Final Product and Timetable Symbolic Support--first meeting; announcement to external stakeholders; Periodic Check-ins-Communication Plan
Do a Stakeholder Analysis Who are the Key Stakeholders? What do we need from each of them? – Resources? Legitimacy? Support? Participation? What effects will results have on each stakeholder? Who are the likely Allies? Adversaries?
Work Flow –– 1st Meeting Meeting Demonstrate Sponsor Commitment/Support Establish Shared Purpose Set Norms on Conflict and Dissent Set Norms for External Communication Structure Work Establish Procedures for Internal Communications
Work Phase –– Mid StagesMid Coordinate Work in the Group Cultivate/Build External Networks Support Members: Internal & External Roles Keep Sponsor Informed Mediate--maintain trust and impartiality
Final Meeting: Reporting to Sponsor Develop Consensus & Recommendations Build Coalition Support for Recommendations Prepare Everyone for Meeting--ensure each is ready to support the others… Brief Key Stakeholders/Sponsors Manage Agenda--Make it your meeting!
Endings….Beginnings Celebrate! Congratulate! Review Lessons Document & Communicate Lessons Learned Disband on Good Terms: you will work with team members again. Always assume you will work with team members again.