Presentation Introduction Page 17 ~ Page 27
Remember? K I S S
Speech Delivery Verbal 7% Non-verbal 93% It ’ s not about what you say, it ’ s about HOW HOW you say it!
Presentation Introduction – Essentials Essentials Your presentation should start with: Greeting Yourself Topic Purpose Outline Depending on the nature of your presentation and your audience, your introduction can be formal or informal.
Presentation Introduction – Essentials Essentials When you stand in front of an audience they should know: who you are, what are you going to tell them, why they should listen to you, and how much are you going to tell them
Topic Sate the topic of your presentation. For example: “ Today I am going to talk to you about …”
Purpose Sate the main purpose of your presentation as it relates to your topic. Your purpose statement should seem a aa achievable and p pp possible to establish to your audience in the amount of time you are given.
When you state your purpose, make sure that you are specific: “ Today I ’ d like to talk about jeans. ” (too general) “ Today I ’ d like to talk about how jeans have influenced the way people dress at work. ” (specific)
“ The purpose of my presentation is to discuss advertisement ” (weak) “ The purpose of my presentation is to talk about sex in advertisement. ” (better) “ The purpose of my presentation is to explain how the uses of sex in advertisements influence teenagers in Taiwan. ” (even better!)
“ The purpose of my presentation is to persuade everyone here to convert to (my religion) today. ” (specific, but doesn ’ t seem achievable)
“ The purpose of my presentation is to explain the benefits of (my religion). ” (achievable, but not specific enough)
“ The purpose of presentation is to explain how (my religion) defines the relationship between parents and children. ” (specific and achievable)
Outline How many parts are there in your presentation? What are the main parts of your presentation? (in what order?) For example: “ First I ’ d like to talk about … Then, I ’ ll go on to discuss … and finally I ’ ll conclude by (V+ing) ”
Introduction – Extras Your introduction could include: greeting, your name, your group name, your group members, your position, your topic, your purpose, the length of your presentation, your presentation outline, ice breakers, connecting your topic to your audience, question time, and your presentation format. (see textbook examples P. 17~26)
Introduction – Extras Listen to these introductions Listen
HW 1 – Due Next Week Textbook (Page 12 ~ 26) do all exercises in your textbook
HW 2 – Due Next Week Topic Selection Exercise #1 (only)
In Class Practice Choose one of the following topics, and write a “ purpose statement ” and an “ outline ” with three parts. Make sure your purpose statement is “ KISS, ” possible, and achievable. Then write three main ideas for your purpose statement
In Class Practice Topic: “ Today I am going to talk to you about …” Purpose: “ The purpose of my presentation is …” Outline: “ First I ’ d like to talk about … Then, I ’ ll go on to discuss … and finally I ’ ll conclude by (V+ing) ”
In Class Practice Topic: “ Today I am going to talk to you about …” Purpose: “ The purpose of my presentation is …” Outline: “ First I ’ d like to talk about … Then, I ’ ll go on to discuss … and finally I ’ ll conclude by (V+ing) ”
Presentation Introduction Page 17 ~ Page 27