McKinley’s Library Catalog
What is a catalog? A library catalog lists all the books and other materials owned by a library.
In the old days, library catalogs were on paper. Each book and author and subject had a card, and the cards were stored in the card catalog.
Online Catalogs Today, almost all libraries have digital catalogs: the catalog is on the computer. We use the computer to find out if the library has the book we want, and where to find the book on the shelves.
How can I see the McKinley Library Catalog? You can use the McKinley catalog from any computer that is on the Internet - even from your house!
How do I get to the Library catalog? Open your browser by clicking on Explorer or Safari Type in in the address Click on the McKinley Elementary link Click on the “catalog” tab
What are the 3 ways you can search the catalog? Keyword Title Author
Finding a book if you know the title Type in the title - and click on TITLE You don’t have to type “the” or “a”. You only need to type in the first 2 or 3 words in the title. You don’t need to use capital letters
Finding a book if you know the author’s name Just type in the author’s name and click on AUTHOR Type in the author’s LAST NAME You do not need to use capital letters or commas.
Searching by Subject Searching by “subject” is for librarians. You probably won’t use this tab very often. If you want to find a book about a topic (like motorcycles or Mexico) you can click on KEYWORD
Keyword Searching Enter one, two or three words which best describe your topic and then click on KEYWORD Try searching with these keywords: Bats Wrestling Mexico
Let’s try it! Find out who wrote the book Charlotte’s Web. How many books about bullying do we have? Are there any Where’s Waldo books available to check out? Find a book about penguins
Call Numbers A call number is like an address: it tells us where the book is shelved in the library. Each book in the library has it’s own call number. The call number is located:
Picture Books The call number for picture books is E for “everybody books” plus the first 3 letters of the AUTHOR’S LAST NAME The Cat in the Hat would have the call #: [E] Seu Fiction picture books are shelved alphabetically by author’s last name
Finding Chapter Books Fiction chapter books are shelved in alphabetical order by the author’s LAST NAME For example, the call number for a Harry Potter book is: F ROW
Finding Non Fiction Books Non Fiction books are shelved using the Dewey Decimal System. Public Libraries and School Libraries use the Dewey Decimal System
Dewey Decimal System American librarian Melvil Dewey created the Dewey Decimal System in It is used in most local and school libraries to catalog books. Non-fiction books are cataloged and shelved by subject.
More on Dewey Decimal The Dewey system has ten main sections: * 000 Generalities * 100 Philosophy and Psychology * 200 Religion * 300 Social Science * 400 Language * 500 Natural Science and Mathematics * 600 Technology (Applied Sciences) * 700 Arts * 800 Literature * 900 Geography and History
Remember…. Use your shelf marker - put books back where you found them - with the title facing out. If you do not know where a book goes, put it on the blue cart. Sit down and read quietly after you have chosen your books. Enjoy reading!