Library Updates August 22, 2007
2 Agenda UCB/LBNL partnership Journal access Other possible services Reports Submission System Cataloging Update Online Digitization of index cards (Retrospective Conversion) Implementation of Hosted Integrated Library System (ILS), Mark Facilities Improvements, Jane
3 UCB/LBNL UCB/LBNL partnership, Rosemary Journal access Other possible services
4 Reports Submissions Reports Submission System: Beta testing and improving user interface text Estimated another two weeks Migration of legacy reports, Q1, FY08 Until System Is Complete: Notifications of Intent to Publish & Page Charge requests as usual, continue until Q2, FY08 Web based submission form still in use Prior Division Review, if required by division Prior Patents Review, if necessary
5 Cataloging Update 8/10/2007 All LBNL subscribed journals and print journal holdings are cataloged As of 8/17/2007: 920 journals have been cataloged 1336 journal catalog records have been updated 2256 journals total have been cataloged to date 115 monographs have been also been cataloged
6 Cataloging Update 8/10/2007 All LBNL subscribed journals and print journal holdings are cataloged As of 8/17/2007: 920 journals have been cataloged into RLIN 1336 journal catalog records have been updated 2256 journals total have been cataloged to date 115 monographs have been also been cataloged.
7 Retrospective Conversion Digitization of card catalog index cards Legacy LBNL physical reports, bibliographic records Necessary as online finding aids for legacy reports, need to add to Library information catalog 4,000 scanned using student help, FY06-7 6,000 scanned by 8/24 with outsourced help 23,000 remain to be scanned. ETA – TBD, Q1, FY08
8 Hosted Integrated Library System (ILS) Web based ILS will replace legacy software for: 1.Federated searching across all library assets 2.Circulation, borrowing 3.Interlibrary loan requests 4.Acquisitions 5.Book collection, catalog 6.Reports bibliographic data catalog 7.Other administrative services, reports, functions Currently scoping project for possible completion before end of year.
9 Facilities Improvements Library Remodeling is near completion All modifications as expected, full ceiling painting completed Move administration offices, expected 8/24 New Reference Desk area with circulation desk and book return New online microfiche, dual format-PDF document delivery to patrons New borrowing/circulation scanners, proxy card readers for ID and check out, coming soon Adjacency of support staff for added service Some remaining painting in collection areas, major painting completed