SCEDC Meeting January 13, 2009 Trisha Mason, Executive Director East Central Illinois Development Corporation
The material on Open Source Economic Development is copyright Ed Morrison and distributed under a Creative Commons 3.0 attribution license. That means you are free to modify, copy and use this material for commercial purposes provided that you attribute it as follows: Source: Ed Morrison, I-Open Distributed under a Creative Commons 3.0 license. You can learn more about the Creative Commons license at
East Central Illinois Development Corporation Christian, Clark, Coles, Crawford, Cumberland, Douglas, Edgar, Effingham, Jasper, Moultrie, Shelby counties Provide Support & Assistance to ED Orgs. Promote Region Globally Provide Educational Opportunities Foster adoption of Open Source Economic Development Recognize leaders & businesses
Membership Benefits Networking opportunities Regional advertising and exposure Presence on regional website Having a voice in regional economic development issues and building regional relationships which could lead to potential partnerships Strengthen relationships and partner to provide educational opportunities in region Access to internet-based GIS application and many other resources
GIS Application Case Study Marshall, IL Full-Service Restaurant How many full-service restaurants are there currently? How much does the average household spend on eating away from home yearly? How much of this market is being captured? Is there room for another full-service restaurant? Which restaurant chain fits best with Marshall’s demographic?
Open Source ED Basics Based on open information sharing and building relationships of trust through “doing” Building collaborative partnerships between education, workforce development, and economic development Wealth is created by tying together extraordinary assets in your communities
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East Central Illinois Development Corporation Trisha Mason, Executive Director (217) office The material on Open Source Economic Development is copyright Ed Morrison and distributed under a Creative Commons 3.0 attribution license. That means you are free to modify, copy and use this material for commercial purposes provided that you attribute it as follows: Source: Ed Morrison, I-Open Distributed under a Creative Commons 3.0 license. You can learn more about the Creative Commons license at