Sin Grows Worse
Both Offered Eve bore Cain, Abel, Seth and other children (4:1-2, 25; 5:4) God had respect for Abel’s sacrifice (4:3-5) Abel offered by faith (Hebrews 11:4) –It was a working faith (Jam. 1:22; 2:17) –God must have given directions (Rom. 10:17) God witnessed Abel’s sacrifice and its righteousness (followed divine law) –“Witness” & “testifying” – give good report –Cain’s works were evil (1 John 3:11-12)
God’s Will or Man’s? Cain offered of the “fruit of the ground” Abel offered the “firstlings of his flock” and “of the fat thereof” God wants obedience and a faithful doing of his will (1 Sam. 15:22; Mt. 6:1-6, 16-18) God would take Cain back if he did right –He did as he willed but got angry because his sacrifice was rejected –Cain could rule over his sin (Gen. 4:5-7) –Or sin crouched, ready to rule over him
He Yet Speaks! Cain murdered his brother (Gen. 4:8) God gave Cain a chance to repent (4:9) Abel, though dead, still speaks –Blood calls for vengeance (4:10; Heb. 12:24) God punished Cain (4:11-13) –Cursed and condemned to be a fugitive –Cain said it was more than he could bear –God placed a mark on him to warn others (4:14- 15)
Sin Grows Worse Cain went to live with his wife in the land of Nod (4:16-18; compare 3:20) Lamech, a descendant of Cain, is the first polygamist and second murderer (4:19- 24) –He boasted of his evil works and the greater punishment he deserved
The Promised Seed Man might have seen God’s plan defeated in the death of the one righteous man God caused Eve to bear another son She named him Seth (appointed) because God appointed a seed to replace Abel Genesis 4:25-26