Flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning Sharing E-Learning Resources in VET Vivienne Blanksby Program Leader Resources for Teaching, Learning.


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Presentation transcript:

flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning Sharing E-Learning Resources in VET Vivienne Blanksby Program Leader Resources for Teaching, Learning and Assessment Australian Flexible Learning Framework

flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning The Australian Flexible Learning Framework commenced 2000 A national flexible and e-learning strategy designed to create and share knowledge about flexible learning and to support its take-up in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector. A collaboration between the State and Territory governments and the Commonwealth.

flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning Framework goals The Framework identifies five complementary goals that seek to increase the take-up of flexible learning in the VET sector in Australia. Goal 1 Creative capable people Goal 2 Supportive technological infrastructure Goal 3 World-class online content development, applications and services Goal 4 Enabling policies Goal 5 Problem- solving regulation

flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning Resources for Teaching Learning and Assessment Program A linked cluster of projects within the Framework which aim to create a national approach to resource sharing. Focus is on availability, quality, interoperability and use of e-learning resources across the VET sector

flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning Status of availability of VET e-learning resources nationally On the positive side: Considerable e-learning content is produced Courseware is developed at national, state and organisational level Strong national qualifications system, so potential for sharing is significant However to date, this has been hindered by : Wide variety of systems of storage A range of formats for materials Uncertainties about copyright No uniformity regarding metadata Most repositories don’t reference others – internally focused

flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning Approach to Improving Resource Access national projects to develop/identify standards apply at national level in high profile initiatives invite other jurisdictions & organisations to adopt 3 Key Activities 2004 International standard content packaging of national e-learning resources (Toolboxes) Develop VET Metadata Application Profile Establish repository specifications and build network

flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning Flexible Learning Toolboxes National e-learning resources 6 series developed Model quality learning strategies Non-proprietary content formats Distributed on CD-ROM 400 hours of training Generous copyright conditions Customisation permitted

flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning Toolboxes 2004 Series 7 has adopted IMS content packaging Trialling SCORM compliance Learning Objects to be available from Toolbox repository Also retaining the CD option

flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning 2005 follow through Toolboxes user trials of learning objects and download from repositories further learning objects, repackaging of existing material explore SCORM 2004 research educational implications of learning objects

flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning VETADATA Metadata Application Profile for the VET sector Developed 2004 through Framework’s Interoperability project Based on IEEE Learning Object Metadata (LOM) 5 mandatory elements for all educational resources 20 for Learning Objects in national projects preferred vocabularies for VET resources (industry categories, educational resource types) Work on mapping to other major application profiles.

flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning VETADATA and its subsets Mandatory minimum set Learning objects set VETADATA set LOM schema

flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning 2005 follow through VETADATA Continue trials through Learning Object Repository and Toolbox projects. Minor amendments following consultation and trial findings Maintenance and publicity

flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning Learning Object Repository Project The purpose of the project is to build the capacity of the Australian VET sector to share teaching and learning resources that support flexible delivery, through: the establishment and embedding of interoperable principles in design and development of resource repositories.

flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning Learning Object Repository Project Principles Open Standards Common Services infrastructure Distributed and democratic modelling Long term requirements specifications

flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning Learning Object Repository Network

flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning Search Transaction

flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning LOR Project Outcomes 2004 Development of: light-weight repository specifications federated search function operational 4 participating repositories – 1 national & 3 state business and functional requirements

flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning 2005 follow through Learning Object Repository Network extension of search facilities work on individual authentication learning object preview services aim to involve more repositories network governance – Service Level Agreements licensing templates research into DRM

flexiblelearning.net.au get into flexible learning More information at: Australian Flexible Learning Framework: Flexible Learning Toolboxes: VETADATA Learning Object Repository Project