Get into flexible learning 2010 E-learning Benchmarking Survey Launch of Results AUSTAFE Conference Welcome Reception 13 October.


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Presentation transcript:

get into flexible learning 2010 E-learning Benchmarking Survey Launch of Results AUSTAFE Conference Welcome Reception 13 October 2010

get into flexible learning E-learning is now recognised as an integral part of training delivery 800 employers 784 RTOs (incl. 47 TAFEs) 2,411 VET teachers and trainers (85% TAFE) 2010 surveys had increased emphasis on how e-learning is used

get into flexible learning 50% of employers now use e-learning as part of training they provide to their employees. 60% expect their use of e-learning in employee training to increase in the next two years. 85% said they would encourage their employees to use e-learning if it was available. 66% said they would try to influence their training provider to deliver more flexible training.

get into flexible learning 40% of structured training provided by employers involves e-learning

get into flexible learning Employers’ knowledge of e-learning is increasing Employer’s own knowledge of e-learning Employer’s knowledge of e-learning provided by training provider

get into flexible learning 43% of VET enrolments formally involve e-learning % of VET unit enrolments that formally involve e-learning

get into flexible learning E-learning uptake varies across the VET system

get into flexible learning Teachers/trainers are using different technologies…

get into flexible learning … in various training activities (eg assessment)

get into flexible learning “There is a big swing towards online testing. The majority of the old handwritten style tests will become online tests.” Emergency services, Large enterprise RTO “I restrict my use of the LMS to being a repository for unit outlines, assessment sheets and simple multiple choice tests.” Graphic design, TAFE “I have developed self-paced packages for several units of competence that are PPT led with many links to video and other visual resources. Assessment is still done at the college.” Electrotechnology, TAFE Teachers’ use of e-learning in assessment

get into flexible learning Provide adequate resources to further encourage the uptake of e-learning Uptake challenge – Build capacity in small RTOs 63% of small RTOs (representing an estimated 2-3% of total VET delivery) do not use e-learning Some RTOs say e-learning is not relevant to the way they deliver training 75% of small RTOs want to know more, but need help to build their capability and learn how to use e-learning.

get into flexible learning Use challenge – Promote strategic use of e-learning 55% of RTOs do not address e-learning in their business strategy (65% of small RTOs, 53% of medium sized RTOs) 39% have no e-learning strategy 16% say they have no need for an e-learning strategy. Encourage the incorporation of e-learning into RTO business strategies

get into flexible learning Communicate that e-learning should be used to enhance quality training, not just flexibility Impact challenge – Deliver flexibility and quality Survey identified excellent examples of e-learning delivering more flexible, more engaging and better quality training VET clients highly value flexible and timely access to training 60% of VET teachers/trainers said that e-learning has made learning more interesting and engaging for their students 46% of VET teachers/trainers said that e-learning had improved learning outcomes for their students (vs 59% in 2006).

get into flexible learning See the full survey results: Full report Results for employer, RTO and teacher/trainer surveys Results by state and territory Results for each provider type Results for teachers/trainers by age and gender Results for employers by industry sector and size And RTOs can use the DIY benchmarking tool

get into flexible learning For more information: Benchmarking and Research Annie Fergusson Phone:(08) Australian Flexible Learning Framework Phone: (07) Website: