Evangelium Vitae
Introduction The Gospel of Life Conflicting cultures Full support of the Magisterium Seeking justice, freedom, happiness
Chapter 1: Present Day Threats to Life Analysis of current culture Increasing threats to life Defend Individual Freedoms (to take life) Protection under law Culture of Death
Biblical Examples Cain and Abel Pharaoh in Egypt King Herod Apocalyptic Literature: Dragon waiting for woman’s child
Chapter 2: Life as a Gift Gospel of Life Jesus abolished death Human person in the image of God Earthly life meant to direct us towards Divine
Chapter 3: Life as a Responsiblity Life belongs to the Lord Humans are trustees of life Direct abortion constitutes grave moral disorder
Chapter 4: Life as a Task to be Promoted “You Shall Not Kill” Promoting life at the heart of Evangelization Church called to celebrate gift of Life charity, health care, volunteer service, education, social involvement, political involvement Pregnant Women have special calling