Digital Storytelling Prepared for Students in LS5633 School of Library and Information Studies Texas Woman’s University Judi Moreillon, M.L.S., Ph.D. Image Created at
What is a digital story? digital story (dig·i·tal sto·ry) A short, first person video-narrative created by combining recorded voice, still and moving images, and music or other sounds. From the Center for Digital Storytelling
What is digital storytelling? Digital storytelling involves combining three or more of these elements: voice, music, still or video images, text, and technology tools to tell a story. Dr. M.
What are some types of digital stories? Personal stories Events and “Ah-Hah!” moments Adventures and travel Accomplishments Memorializing a person or place InterviewsTestimonials Advocacy stories
Values & Principles 1. Everyone has many powerful stories to tell. 2. Listening is hard. 3. People see, hear, and perceive the world in different ways. 4. Creative activity is human activity. From the Center for Digital Storytelling
Values & Principles 5. Technology is a powerful instrument of creativity. 6. Sharing stories can lead to positive change. What are your values and principles related to digital storytelling? From the Center for Digital Storytelling
7 Elements of (Digital) Storytelling Take a point of view (insight) Hone in on the memorable moment Make it dramatic - emotional content Visualize your story and select compelling actual and metaphorical images
Seven Elements of Storytelling Use your gift of voice and the power of the soundtrack Develop a script and storyboard (set the pace) Share, seek feedback, and revise Adapted from Joe Lambert, Center for Digital Storytelling
Sample Digital Story Storyboard Using Cacoo (Web 2.0 Tool) “Where I’m From” Script “Where I’m From” by Judi Moreillon: Digital Story Using VoiceThread
Relating Storytelling and Digital Storytelling: 9- to 13-Year-Olds Explore Storytelling Concepts and Terminology after Creating Digital Storytelling Projects by Rebecca Morris Focused ethnography 6 th -grade – social studies teacher and school librarian collaboration 4 th /5 th – iMovie book trailers (technology teacher) 7 th grade – 3 students – club testimonials
Georges (1981) – importance of audience in a story-transmitting-and- receiving-act Lingering question: How then do we simulate “receiving” in the digital storytelling environment? Discussion
Resources on our Course Wiki Web Sites About Digital Storytelling Web 2.0 Tools for Storyboarding Electronic Tools for Storytelling Sample Stories Cacoo Mind42 Mindomo Wallwisher Linked from Recommended Tools for Storyboarding
Animoto Go! Animate iMovie MovieMaker PhotoStory Storybird VoiceThread Linked from Recommended Tools for Story Production
Story of the Battle = Mobilization – story shared within the ranks of the organization Battle of the Story = Persuasion – targeted to stakeholders Reinsborough and Canning A Word about Advocacy Stories
Positive stories or testimonials Dispel stereotypes, negative opinions and images Promote support for a cause by addressing the constituents’ or stakeholders’ needs A Word or Two about Advocacy Stories
Offer new futures Reframe debates Subvert spectacles Repurpose existing narratives Make the invisible VISIBLE (Reinsborough and Canning 73). Intervention at the Point of Assumption
Works Cited “Digital Story.” Center for Digital Storytelling. Web. 25 Jan Georges, Robert A. “Do Narrators Really Digress? A Reconsideration of ‘Audience Asides’ in Narrating.” Western Folklore 40.3 (1981): Lambert, Joe. “Cookbook.” Center for Digital Storytelling. Web. 25 Jan Digital Storytelling. LS5633: The Art of Storytelling. Web. 27 Jan Morris, Rebecca. “Relating Storytelling and Digital Storytelling: 9- to 13-Year-Olds Explore Storytelling Concepts and Terminology after Creating Digital Storytelling Projects.” Panel Presentation. Youth Services Special Interest Group. ALISE Conference, Dallas, TX Reinsborough, Patrick, and Doyle Canning. Re: Imagining Change. Oakland, CA: PM Press, Print. “Values & Principles.” Center for Digital Storytelling. Web. 25 Jan
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