Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics United Nations Secretariat – Statistics Division Inter-Agency and Expert Group Meeting on the Development of Gender Statistics Enaia Zidan 12-14/12/2006
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics United Nations Secretariat – Statistics Division Contents Introduction Structure The Aims The Main Scope Activities The Main Projects
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics United Nations Secretariat – Statistics Division Data Sources Outputs Method of Dissemination The Users of GSP outputs Restrictions
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics United Nations Secretariat – Statistics Division Introduction Gender Statistics Program (GSP) started early in 1996, when gender issues began to receive greater attention in policy formulation for program planning at both the national and the international levels, and when demand increased for statistics that adequately reflect these issues.
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics United Nations Secretariat – Statistics Division The Organizational Structure of GSP Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics Population and Social Statistics Directorate Social Statistics Department Gender Statistics Program
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics United Nations Secretariat – Statistics Division The Aims of the GSP Raise Awareness Among policy makers, planners, NGOs, gender advocates and the public at large. Promoting and Supporting establishment of gender units in the PNA ministries; building capacity in these ministries in this field Sensitize all PCBS Staff on the Importance of producing gender statistics and ensure that gender concerns are taken into consideration in the ongoing data collection programs
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics United Nations Secretariat – Statistics Division The Main Scope of Work for the GSP Population (structure, sex ratio, …) Family and Household (Living condition, Poverty,..) Health (mother and child, productivity, …) Education (enrollment, educational level, drop-outs,..) Work\ Labour (un-employments, activity, wages, …) Participation in Public Life (legislative council, ….) Violence\Crime and Victimization
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics United Nations Secretariat – Statistics Division The Activities of the GSP Establish a mechanism for continuous communication with users (regular contacts, workshops, seminars, training courses ) Production of an annual report Publication of pamphlets, brochures Provide national, international and regional organization with data in key areas of concern Carry out secondary analysis based on available data Act as a focal point for users Carry out extensive analysis of data on gender perspective
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics United Nations Secretariat – Statistics Division The Main Projects of GSP An Annual Report “Women & Men in Palestine.Issues and Statistics” Workshops User-producer dialogues, Focus group discussions, etc.. Surveys
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics United Nations Secretariat – Statistics Division GSP Data Sources Administrative records for Ministries Administrative records for PCBS Surveys Surveys conducted by PCBS departments (labour force, demographic and health survey, other surveys) Surveys conducted by GSP itself covering specific topics (time use, ownership and access to resources and domestic violence survey) Census
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics United Nations Secretariat – Statistics Division Outputs of GSP Annual Report (Women & Men in Palestine Issues & Statistics) Analytical Report (Women Health in Camps,2002. Women and work in Palestinian Territory,2001. Time Spent in Cultural, Learning and Leisure,2002) Other Statistical Reports (Domestic Violence survey, Main Findings Report, Time Use in the Palestinian Territory, Main Findings Report, Ownership and Access to Resources Survey, Main Findings Report,1999)
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics United Nations Secretariat – Statistics Division Workshops Press Releases (On the Occasions of Woman International Day, Mother Day, From Surveys) Pamphlets (Fertility Preference in the Palestinian Society,2005. Women Reproductive Health, 2001) Posters (Socio-Health Status of Palestinian Women,2006. Women and Men in Palestinian Territory,2004. Main Finding of Time Use Survey, 2001) Executive Summary
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics United Nations Secretariat – Statistics Division Method of Dissemination of GSP Outputs Hardcopies CDs Internet DIVIFO (PALINFO) Media Public Use Files
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics United Nations Secretariat – Statistics Division The Users of GSP outputs Ministries NGOs International Institutions Policy Makers Researchers in the Filed of Gender Universities Media
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics United Nations Secretariat – Statistics Division Restrictions The Current Status Report is considered to be a basic main activity of the program. However, the Current Status Report will not be based on published statistics but on data processing and secondary analysis of existing data sets from surveys carried out by PCBS. This will be a much bigger challenge to the PCBS gender statistics staff. Lack of information for indicators derived from the administrative records, in addition to the under coverage and missing in data.