Promise and Peril in Post-War America The War Is Over!


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Presentation transcript:

Promise and Peril in Post-War America The War Is Over!

The War is Over: Celebration! The world’s most costly war (men and materials) was over! Germany was defeated in May and the dreaded planned invasion of Japan did not have to happen Rationing of consumer goods was phased out. The global nightmare seemed to be over

The War Is Over: Trepidation The war left the nations of the world with much to worry about What will happen to Japan and Germany? The Holocaust revealed the possibilities of modern brutality in war The atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki exhibited the possibility of annihilation of an entire city with a single bomb The main Allies of the war were seriously split on their vision of a post-war world Americans and western Europe- free enterprise democracy Soviets and their allies- communist socialism

And Americans Had Much to Worry About… Will another even more terrible war follow WW II? Will the Depression that lifted after the war began return to America and the world? Will returning veterans find work when the orders for war materials stopped? What about Rosie Riveter? What is America’s place in the World after World War II is over

Occupation: Germany and Japan Problem: How will Germany and Japan be governed if their existing government is removed by the allies? How will its leaders be held accountable for war-time atrocities like Nanjing and the Holocaust? This is similar to the problem that America faced following the defeat of Saddam Hussein in 2003 Fortunately, the people of Japan and Germany were cooperative with the process of occupation unlike Iraq that would generate a bloody war

Occupation of Japan Japan surrendered with one condition- maintenance of the emperor Emperor coordinated the cooperation of the Japanese people with the American occupying force War criminals were tried and put to death Industrial reforms- zaibatsu dissolved New constitution Limited role of military Democratic orientation The spread of communism in east Asia would lead America to support an economically strong Japan

Occupation of Germany Unlike Japan, Germany was jointly occupied by the four victorious Allies US- France- USSR and G.Britain Nazi party destroyed- war criminals tired at Nuremberg Soviets looted their zone to rebuild what they lost in the war Poland gained German territory

The Founding of the United Nations The World War II allies took on the name United Nations by 1942 President Roosevelt was a strong believer in the need for an effective world governing body to settle international disputes The League of Nations formed after WWI proved to be too weak Fifty Nations met in San Francisco in April 1945 (before the end of the war) to draw up the UN Charter General Assembly- all nations The Security Council- major allied powers and 10 rotating members Deals with international security issues

The United Nations and World Politics The United Nations has moderated numerous international disputes since its founding For all of its shortcomings, we have avoided WWIII (for the time being!) Following World War II, many regions under European rule would seek independence setting up disputes requiring UN Intervention The UN today is involved in mediating a Civil War in Congo and trying to keep the peace The UN Declaration on Human Rights proclaims universal Human Rights First major test of UN: Palestine

Palestine, Israel and the United Nations Jewish settlers had been moving to Palestine and calling for a modern Jewish state since the early 1900’s Conflicted with the Arab Palestinians who were largely Muslim with some Christians Seen as the ancestral homeland of Hebrews Palestine ruled by Britain after WWI Discrimination against Jews in Europe would support more Jewish immigrants to Palestine When British left Palestine in 1948, Jews proclaimed the state of Israel Arab neighbors united in war against the new state

The United Nations Intervenes With determination and modern technology, Israel defends itself against its neighbors United Nations attempts to split Palestine between Israel and Arabs- Arab states reject American UN mediator works out a cease fire in 1949 Fighting stops for a time Israel survives Arab-Israeli war would restart in 1956, 1967 and 1973 Relations between Israel and its neighbors continue to be shakey Palestinian Arabs continue to protest the government of Israel- most of the Muslim world is untied against Israel

The Post War Era in a Nutshell What was settled Axis defeated and neutralized- war criminals brought to justice An international organization was set up to help settle world disputes What is not settled The Soviet vision of the post-war world will clash with that of America… more in 28.2 The American economy will suffer some adjustment problems but would take off and lead the world… more in chapter 29