Label the water cycle.
The Water Cycle What comes after precipitation? Collection What comes after evaporation? Condensation What comes after condensation? Precipitation
Name the Part of the Water Cycle When water turns into water vapor. Evaporation
Puddles disappear. Evaporation
Snowflakes flutter from the sky. Precipitation
A bathing suit dries after a swim. Evaporation
Drops form in the clouds. Condensation
When water turns into water vapor. Evaporation
Fluffy clouds form in the sky. Condensation
Hail falls to the ground. Precipitation Fluffy clouds form in the sky. Condensation Water in a birdbath dries up. Evaporation
The grass becomes wet. Precipitation Sleet falls. Precipitation The step after precipitation. Evaporation
Why is the water cycle called a cycle?
Drought Drought is when there is littlewater. Flood Flood is when there is an excess of water.
What does this picture show? Flood
What does this picture show? Drought
How would a rain gauge help us with knowing a flood is coming?
Cirrus Cumulus Stratus Name the cloud.
Cirrus Cumulus Stratus Name the cloud.
Cirrus Cumulus Stratus Name the cloud.
Cirrus Cumulus Stratus Name the cloud.
Cirrus Cumulus Stratus Name the cloud.
Cirrus Cumulus Stratus Name the cloud.
Cirrus Cumulus Stratus Name the cloud.
Cirrus Cumulus Stratus Name the cloud.
Cirrus Cumulus Stratus Name the cloud.
Weather Instruments & Uses
Thermometer What does a thermometer measure? Temperature What units does a thermometer use? Fahrenheit °F Celsius °C
Wind Vane The arrow faces the way the weather is blowing from. What does a wind vane measure? the direction of the wind
Wind Vane If the arrow faces East, then the wind is blowing from the ________. North South WestEast
Barometer Barometer readings can tell us: how dry the air is. if it is going to storm. A barometer measures air pressure.
Rain Gauge Rain gauges measure the amount of rainfall.
What instrument would best help the sailboat? Wind Vane
What instrument would best help the gardener? Rain Gauge Why????? It can let us know how much it is raining.
If you wanted to go outside and play which instrument would you use to know what to wear? ThermometerRain gauge
This type of instrument measures in degrees Fahrenheit.
Wind Vane Name the weather instrument.
Rain gauge Name the weather instrument.
Thermometer Name the weather instrument.
Barometer Name the weather instrument.
temperature air pressure rainfall wind direction Using the pen, match the picture to the thing it measures.
What are the units of measure of the thermometer? Fahrenheit °F Celsius °C
Drought Drought is when there is littlewater. A drought is a period of time when there is little rain which causes serious problems such as crop damage and/or water supply shortages What causes a drought? Drought is caused by the lack of rainfall.
Impacts of Drought Stop washing cars Stop watering yard Fire risk raised (As forests dry) Lack of water for crops/drinking water
Examples of Drought
Flood Flooding occurs when there is an excess ofwater.
What causes a flood? Large amount of rainfall Bodies of water overflow Hurricanes, winter storms and snow melt are common (but often overlooked) causes of flooding. Hurricane Katrina is the largest flood disaster in our nation’s history and was caused by Hurricanes Rita and Wilma.
Is it showing a drought or a flood, how do you know? Tell me about the picture. Write about one of the pictures.