created by Deb Genet, CAIU Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program, Weather Key Learning: We study the key components of weather to learn how it affects people and Earth.
created by Deb Genet, CAIU Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program, Air is all around us How can air be captured? How can air be compressed? How can air be used to move things?
created by Deb Genet, CAIU Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program, There are 3 components of weather 1. Wind (movement of air) speed – anemometer no wind/calm; gentle breeze; moderate breeze; strong breeze strong breeze miles per hour (mph) direction – wind vane North, South, East, West
created by Deb Genet, CAIU Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program, Temperature (how hot or cold the air is) Thermometer degrees Farenheit/Celcius degrees Farenheit/Celcius
created by Deb Genet, CAIU Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program, Moisture (humidity in the air, precipitation from the air) Rain gauge – Inches Condensation Condensation precipitation precipitation evaporation evaporation
created by Deb Genet, CAIU Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program, There are different kinds of clouds Cumulus: fluffy clouds; fair weather Stratus: high, thin clouds; fair weather Cirrus: low, gray clouds; rain or snow
created by Deb Genet, CAIU Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program, What do the different kinds of clouds tell us about the weather?
created by Deb Genet, CAIU Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program, Wind + temperature + moisture = weather How do the 3 components of weather create different types of weather?
created by Deb Genet, CAIU Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program, How does the weather affect people and the Earth? How does the weather affect people and the Earth? How does the weather affect people and the Earth? Activities? Activities? Clothing? Clothing? Mood? Mood? Farmers? Farmers? Work? Work? Homes? Homes?
created by Deb Genet, CAIU Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program, What is the relationship between the tilt of the Earth’s axis and the seasons? The tilt of the Earth’s axis affects the seasons
created by Deb Genet, CAIU Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program, The Earth and moon’s rotation affects time. How does the motion of the Earth and moon affect time? 1 rotation of the Earth = 24 hours = 1 day 1 rotation of the moon around Earth = 28 days = almost 1 month 1 rotation of the Earth around the sun = 365 days = 1 year
created by Deb Genet, CAIU Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program, Phases of the moon and tides Phases of the moon and tides How would Earth be different without the moon?
created by Deb Genet, CAIU Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program, Final Project The meteorologist has called in sick and you need to replace him. Give the weather report based on the information you have. Don’t forget to tell how the weather will affect people and the Earth.