How can local and regional energy agencies have their activities better recognized by local authorities? Carmen Castells Agència Energètica de la Ribera Brussels, 8th October Open Days 2008 Workshop 08B26 Working with municipalities in the framework of the Covenant of Mayors
The Agency constitution The Agència Energètica de La Ribera is an autonomous organism and belongs of the Consortium of La Ribera, organization formed by the County Council of La Ribera Alta and La Ribera Baixa. The agency has been created within the framework of the European program SAVE II-2000, and with the municipalities funding. From 2005 AER is funded by municipalities.
The Agency action area x The Agency gives services to La Ribera. La Ribera is a local entity in Valencia (Spain) constitued by: 2 county councils –La Ribera Alta –La Ribera Baixa 47 municipalities inhabitants
The Agency at the service of municipalities Main activities are: Citizen awareness - Energy Neighbourhood (EU project) - Radio and TV programs - Information Educational programs - The Energy Route - R.R.E.E. Model Competition - P.E.E.S. (EU) - Y.E.P. (EU) - EYE (EU) Industry -IEC SME (EU) Sustainable Mobility - European mobility sustainable week - e-Tream (EU) - BioDieNet (EU) - La Ribera en cotxe compartit Energy studies - Energy situation in la Ribera - Energy domestic use in la Ribera -Transport situation in la Ribera - Biomass plant
The Agency contacts the municipalities The main objective of the AER is to give services to the citizens. It is necessary to establish contacts with the municipalities and to inform them about our services. It is important to have a direct contact of the appropriated council member (direct phone number or mobile, ), avoiding general telephone numbers. Contact persons are: – The city Mayor – A city councillor (of Environment, Public services,…) – A technician (of Environment, Public services, Development agent…) They will help us to find other persons depending on our needs, expanding our contacts network. The President of the Agency is an active politician in our cities, so he can create new contacts or reinforce existing relations, looking forwards new opportunities.
The Agency contacts the municipalities Once the contacts are created, the communication must be continuous, fluent and bi-directional. The AER contacts the council members: – informing about AER news and activities – asking for participation in the new projects The council members contacts the AER: – asking for advice – suggesting services/projects Example: Giving advice about the public buildings roofs renting for the photovoltaic panels installation. A City Council initiative has become a new service offered by the AER.
Case study 1: Energy Neighbourhoods Energy Neighbourhoods is an Intelligent Energy Europe project which aims to make the citizens aware of energy efficiency and saving at home. The project consist of the organization of an energy bet among the households participating in 9 countries. In this project the involvement of the City Councils has been relevant, as they are in charge of several activities: the dissemination of the project to the citizens the opening and closing events organization the Energy Master (leader of a neighbourhood) formation the citizen prizes
Case study 1: Energy Neighbourhoods For this project the AER has contacted some council technicians involved in other projects. Moreover, the AER has contacted with some other, even if it has been more difficult, in order to expand our activities. Contact has been carried out by: Telephone / s Meetings at the AER Some remarks: 8 municipalities participating (from to inhabitants). Small towns are more difficult to coordinate than big ones (less resources). Difficulties are found when economical contribution is needed For the moment it is a pilot group. The aim of the AER is to expand the campaign to all the municipalities for the next year
Case Study 2: La Ribera en Biodiesel La Ribera en Biodiesel is the most relevant project of the AER (5 years running – Managenergy case study). It consist of collecting Cooked Oil Waste and to convert it into biodiesel, finishing on the supply at the petrol stations. We have been carrying out the following actions (step-by-step): - Industrial cooked oil collection - Restaurants cooked oil collection - Domestic cooked oil collection (indoor public containers installation) - Installation of new biodiesel pumps at the petrol stations - Domestic cooked oil collection (outdoor public containers installation)
Case Study 2: La Ribera en Biodiesel Contact with the City Councils has been done by: Sending letters Contacting by telephone Meetings in some towns presenting more difficulties to collaborate