Word Wall Words Week 8 Prefix dis- Homophones
This week’s WWWs are… right right discover discover they’re they’re went went journal journal
Put the WWWs in ABC order… discover discover journal journal right right they’re they’re went went
What is a homophone? Homophones are words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different definitions.
What is this week’s homophone? They’re
What are the other homophones for they’re? thereandtheir
Put the correct homophone in each sentence… We were (their, there, they’re) when the plane took off. We were (their, there, they’re) when the plane took off. Is that (their, there, they’re) new car? Is that (their, there, they’re) new car? I think (their, there, they’re) nice people. I think (their, there, they’re) nice people. Put the papers over (their, there, they’re). Put the papers over (their, there, they’re). I think we are going to (their, there, they’re) house. I think we are going to (their, there, they’re) house.
What else is special about they’re? It is a contraction What is a contraction? A contraction is two words put together to make a new word. An apostrophe takes the place of one or more letters in the new word.
What two words make up the contraction they’re? they and are What letter(s) does the apostrophe take the place of? The a in are
Which of this week’s WWWs has a prefix? discover What is the prefix? dis- What is the root/base word? cover
What does prefix dis- mean? Prefix dis- means not or un Prefix dis- means not or un Something is not covered Something is not covered Something is uncovered Something is uncovered You discovered it You discovered it It is no longer covered or hidden It is no longer covered or hidden
What do these prefix dis- words mean? dissatisfied dissatisfied not satisfied not satisfied disqualify disqualify to not qualify to not qualify disorganized disorganized not organized not organized disassemble disassemble to un/not assemble to un/not assemble
What are some ways to make the long i sound? i consonant e mice-ightlight
Which of the following words have a long i sound? icebergbrightmistcityfight
How many syllables do your WWWs have? right right 1 syllable 1 syllable discover discover 3 syllables 3 syllables they’re they’re 1 syllable 1 syllable went went 1 syllable 1 syllable journal journal 2 syllables 2 syllables