How many syllables are in the following words? element apple need react 3 e/le/ment 2 ap/ple encyclopedia 1 need 2 re/act 6 en/cyc/lo/pe/di/a *Syllable: a part of a word that has 1 vowel sound
Syllable Slap Game A card will be flipped over If the card says a 2 syllable word, slap the desk as fast as you can The first person to slap the desk wins a point
***Take out “STRESS & RHYME” ditto from last class. I am free / ABCDEFG Now and then / HIJKLMN Me and you / OPQRSTU Drink some tea / VWXYZ STRESS the BLUE words & letters! Now try to write your own chant!
Word Stress Slap Game A card will be flipped over If the card says a word that is stressed on the 1st syllable, slap the desk as fast as you can The first person to slap the desk wins a point
BREAK Be back in your seat by 12:15
Word Stress Listening Take a listening ditto Example: 1 – 2 – 3 per/fec/tion re/dac/ted en/sem/ble se/lec/ted ex/o/tic
Practice With a partner, practice saying the words on the listening ditto with the correct stress Remember: to make a sound stressed, make the sound longer/slower, higher, and louder
Nursery Rhymes “Little Jack Horner” Little Jack Horner Sat in a corner Eating his Christmas pie He stuck in his thumb And pulled out a plum, And said “What a good boy am I.” “Mary Mary” Mary, Mary Quite contrary How does your garden grow? With silver bells, And cockle shells, And pretty maids all in a row
Haikus Your 1st oral presentation will be next class You will write a haiku & read it to the class
How many syllables in each line? Haikus How many syllables in each line? The rain is falling And my hair is very wet It’s April again -Lizbeth What word has the stressed/unstressed pattern? What word has the unstressed/stressed pattern? 5 syllables 7 syllables 5 syllables FAL/ling A/pril a/GAIN Take a ditto Read the haikus as you watch the video of a HAIKU BATTLE!!!!
-Watch the video. -Listen for word stress. Are there any words that could be stressed more or less? Are there any words where the stress should go on a different syllable?
-Watch the video. -Listen for word stress. Are there any words that could be stressed more or less? Are there any words where the stress should go on a different syllable?
HW: Due Next Class Enjoy the rest of your day! Syllable worksheet Haiku oral presentation Enjoy the rest of your day!