Sub-Nucleon Physics Programme Current Status & Outlook for Hadron Physics D G Ireland
From quarks to nuclei… Selected Topics: Excitation of the Nucleon Nucleon Structure Exotics and Confinement
Studying the Strong Force QCDQCD-inspired models Nucleon structure and dynamics Static properties and phenomenology
Current effort
Excitation of the NucleonN*
Resonance hunting Mostly done with Pion-N scattering or photoproduction Missing resonances may decay through other channels Total Cross-sections + differential cross-sections + Partial Wave Analysis Cross section E (GeV ) P 33 N(1440)P 11 N(1520)D 13 N(1535)S 11 (1600)P 33
Meson Photoproduction Cross sections
Meson Photoproduction
CLAS Results: CMU Analysis
Producing Linearly Polarized Photons
The FROzen Spin Target
Extracting Physics InformationExperiment cross section, spin observables Experiment cross section, spin observables TheoryLQCD, quark models, QCD sum rules QCD sum rules, …TheoryLQCD, quark models, QCD sum rules QCD sum rules, … Reaction Theory dynamical frameworks Reaction Theory dynamical frameworks Amplitude analysis → multipole amplitudes → phase shifts Amplitude analysis → multipole amplitudes → phase shifts σ,dσ/dΩ,Σ,P,T (beam-target) E, F, G, H, (beam-recoil) C x,C z, O x,O z, (target-recoil) L x,L z, T x,T z, PWA: Single energy solution Coupled channels: resonance parameter resonance parameterextraction
Nucleon Structure
Generalised Parton DistributionsFormfactor PDFGPD
Super BigBite – Jlab Hall A
GPDs in different reactionsGPDGPD Orbital angular momentum Orbital angular momentum FormfactorsFormfactors Wide Angle Compton Scattering Time-like Reactions Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering Hard Exclusive Meson Production Parton Distribution Functions
The HERMES Spectrometer 27.6 GeV e + /e - Recoil Detector,
Angular Momentum Constraints Kinematic dependence of single observables does not sufficiently constrain models Combination of different observables and different experiments needed HERMES and Jlab complement each other ideally arXiv:
CLAS12 (Jlab upgrade)
Exotics and Confinement Quark Models Linear qq potential Lattice Gauge Theory The Flux Tube Model Confirmation of idea
Gluonic Excitations J PC = exotic Exotic mesons are not generated when S=0 Flux tube model: 1 st excited state of flux tube has J=1 Combine with S=1 for quarks to get: Quantum number rules for quark-antiquark pair:- J PC = 0 – – – 1 + – 2 ++ … J PC = 0 – – 0 + – 1 – – … Allowed combinations Not-allowed: exotic
Meson Map qq Mesons L = Each box corresponds to 4 nonets (2 for L=0) Radial excitations (L = qq angular momentum) exotic nonets 0 – – – 1 – + 1 – – 2 – – – + 2 – Glueballs Hybrids
Jlab 12GeV Upgrade
The GlueX Project at Jlab
Charmonium – the Positronium of QCD 3 D c (3590) c (2980) h c (3525) (3097) (3686) (3770) (4040) 0 (3415) 1 (3510) 2 (3556) 3 D 1 3 D 3 1 D 2 3 P 2 (~ 3940) 3 P 1 (~ 3880) 3 P 0 (~ 3800) 1 fm C C ~ 600 meV S S S S P P P P S D D D D 2 Ionisationsenergie 3 3 S 1 e + e nm Binding energy [meV] Mass [MeV] Threshold 8·10 -4 eV eV Positronium Charmonium
The PANDA detector
Mass Range
Why Antiprotons? e+e- annihilation via virtual photon: only states with J pc = 1 -- In pp annihilation all mesons can be formed Resolution of the mass and width is only limited by the beam momentum resolution Measured rate Beam Resonance cross section CM Energy
Glueballs g g g C. Morningstar PRD60, (1999) Self interaction between gluons Construction of color-neutral hadrons with gluons possible exotic glueballs don‘t mix with mesons (qq) 0 --, 0 +-, 1 -+, 2 +-, 3 -+,...
Current Status Excitation of the nucleon – Advance to goal of complete measurement; many observables already measured – Use of spin-polarised targets started Nucleon structure – Major programme of measurement started at HERMES – Will continue at CLAS12 (Jlab) Exotics and Confinement – Pilot measurements started – GluEx and PANDA to address the issue
Outlook Complete nucleon resonance programme (MAMI, CLAS,…) Continue nucleon structure studies (HERMES, CLAS12,…) Develop searches for “exotics” (CLAS, GluEx, PANDA,…)
“Complete” Measurements
Sivers Effect Motion of quarks induces emission in a preferred direction Leading hadron carries information on struck quark Measurement requires large beam energies Pioneered at HERMES, precision studies to follow at CLAS 12
up to 1.5 GeV/c polarised electron beam A1: Electron scattering off nucleons and nuclei A2: photoexcitations of nucleons and nuclei with polarised photons Glasgow tagger and goniometer essential ingredients to facility MAinz MIcrotron
Crystal Ball at MAMI A2 High rate, polarised, tagged photon beam up to 1.4 GeV with 2 MeV resolution (and microscope) Liquid H 2 /D 2, 208 Pb, 40 Ca, 16 O, 12 C and other nuclear targets Two EM calorimeters for full solid angle coverage MWPC & PID for tracking and ID of charged particles Ideal for high precision / low cross section measurements
Magnetic Moments of Resonances