Q --- What must I do to be an effective member of the body of Christ? 1. Personal Surrender 2. Right Attitude 3. Use our Spiritual Gifts
Spiritual Gifts I. The Reality of Our Spiritual Gifts -We must Recognize that what the Bible says about Spiritual Gifts is True 2. Accept the Reality of Our Own Spiritual Gifts
Spiritual Gifts II. The Resource for Our Spiritual Gifts 1. Our Spiritual Gifts are Given by God 2. Our Spiritual Gifts are Given as He Sees Fit
Spiritual Gifts III. The Responsibility to Use Our Spiritual Gifts 1. The Variety of Spiritual Gifts PROPHECYMINISTRYTEACHING EXHORTATIONGIVINGRULING MERCY 2. The Expectation to Use the Spiritual Gifts
WILLIAM BOOTH “Bramwell, I have done what I could for God and His people with my eyes. Now I shall do what I can for God without my eyes.”