Galatians Summary Outline I. I. Ch 1-2: Defense of Message and Messenger II. II. Ch 3-4: Grace-Faith versus Law-Works III. III. Ch 5-6: New Life in the Spirit
Ch 3-4: Grace-Faith versus Law-Works A. 3:1-9The Preeminence of Faith B. 3:10-14The Curse of Works C. 3:15-18The Precedent of Promise D. 3:19-25The Purpose of the Law E. 3:26-4:7Sons and Heirs through Christ F. 4:8-18The Emptiness of Legalism G. 4:19-31Law and Grace Cannot Coexist
Gal 3:1-5 Summary Outline (3:1-2)Did you start with faith in Christ or human effort? (3:3-4)Will you finish by faith or human effort? (3:5)Is your present spiritual experience based on faith or human effort?
Your Spiritual Gifts: Discover Them-Use Them “Now let’s try to draw all that has been said together. Spiritual gifts are no mystery. They are not spiritual meat, but baby food. You can know your gift; indeed, you must know your gift to be a faithful steward. You must recognize the great variety and diversity not only between gifts, but within individuals who possess the same gift. There is diversity not only in the kinds of gifts, but also in the sphere of ministry of your gift and in the degree of success you will have with your gift. Don’t make the mistake of measuring yourself with the superstars of spiritual gifts. And don’t confuse spirituality with the greatness of your gift (or the lack of it). If you would discover your gift, simply obey the Scriptures by doing the things which you see need to be done, and devote yourself to what you and others agree you do best.”
“The Test Question” Believing what was heard“observing the law”? The true gospelThe legalizers “gospel” 3:6-9Faith (“Abraham”) 3:15-18Faith (“covenant”) 3:23-29Faith (“heirs”) 3:10-14Law (“the curse”) 3:19-22Law (“transgressions”) 4:1-7Law (“bondage”)
pisteu,w PISTEUŌ “believed” logi,zomai LOGIZOMAI “accounted” dikaiosu,nh DIKAIOSUNĒ “righteousness”