Recently we have been looking more closely at our mission statement and what it means to us as students at All Saints’. Over the next two weeks we are going to create mission murals. In our recent assembly we found out what the mission statement meant to Mrs Claymore. Recap
Through Catholic values and principles, every person at All saints’ School will achieve their full potential: spiritually, academically, socially, morally and physically.
Using your spiritual gifts by: Serving others Giving to those in need Showing Leadership Showing Mercy to those who wrong you Using and sharing your knowledge Showing Faith Showing respect and understanding of other faiths and beliefs
Using the five themes form the mission statement create your tutor mural.
Draw pictures Use pictures from magazines Make a collage Form photos Acrostic Poems Quotes/bible quotes Draw pictures Use pictures from magazines Make a collage Form photos Acrostic Poems Quotes/bible quotes