| TIPS 2015 – Bruxelles sept. The 30th Session 3 : India’s quest for Green and Clean Energy – what role for Europe? 6/06/141
| CMI : A specialised group 4 sectors – 4700 employees worldwide 20/05/20152 CMI, ever more reliable, efficient equipment, and more respectful of the environment.
| Cmi in India : 25 years of partnership 20/05/ Cmi-Energy : cooperation with L&T for small HRSG (<70 MW elec.) since 1991 Cmi-Industry : In Mumbai since 2008 Cmi-FPE: design and manufacturing of mills and lines for steel industry Cmi-Automation
| Which part for the energy efficiency in the battle for more green energy ? The energy efficiency has a key role to play : In the battle against the global warming To balance the energy price volatility To improve the competitiveness of the energy intensive industries 17/03/154 Source : WEO 2014
| Cmi approach : make the standard techologies more efficient … For power generation or heating devices : HRSG for combined cycle power plant : the most efficient and cleaner way today Optimized industrial furnaces : regenerative burners, optimal design, simulation and on line optimization models For Heat recovery everywhere it make sense : Recovery from fumes or liquids to preheat or make steam Recovery from solids during the cooling phase Wasted heat valorization inside industrial area or combined with surrounding district needs 20/05/
| … and benefit from the past expertise to develop solutions in renewables Development of solutions for renewable energy : Tower receivers and heat accumulators for thermoelectric solar plants Thermal conversion of biomass Gasification : small units for waste valorization or local power generation Torrefaction : torrefied biomass to develop co-firing in existing plants 20/05/
| 20/05/ Thank you ! Choose a well balanced approach with robust solutions in the classical way Combined with some innovative routes.