The structure of a long bone (humerus) The structure of a long bone (humerus). (a) Anterior view with longitudinal section cut away. Figure 1
Spongy bone Proximal epiphysis Articular cartilage Epiphyseal line Figure 5.2a The structure of a long bone (humerus). (a) Anterior view with longitudinal section cut away at the proximal end. Spongy bone Proximal epiphysis Articular cartilage Epiphyseal line Periosteum Compact bone Medullary cavity Diaphysis Distal epiphysis (a)
The structure of a long bone (humerus). Pie shaped 3D view. Figure 2
Spongy bone Compact bone Articular cartilage (b) Figure 5.2b The structure of a long bone (humerus). (b) Pie-shaped, three-dimensional view of spongy bone and compact bone of the epiphysis. Spongy bone Compact bone Articular cartilage (b)
The structure of a long bone (humerus) The structure of a long bone (humerus). Cross section of the shaft (diaphysis). Figure 3
Endosteum Yellow bone marrow Compact bone Periosteum Perforating Figure 5.2c The structure of a long bone (humerus). (c) Cross section of the shaft (diaphysis). Endosteum Yellow bone marrow Compact bone Periosteum Perforating fibers Nutrient arteries (c)
Microscopic structure of compact bone. Figure 4
Figure 5.3a Microscopic structure of compact bone. (a). Osteon (Haversian system) Lamellae Blood vessel continues into medullary cavity containing marrow Spongy bone Perforating fibers Compact bone Periosteal blood vessel Central (Haversian) canal Periosteum Perforating (Volkmann’s) canal (a) Blood vessel
Microscopic structure of compact bone. Highly magnified Figure 5
Figure 5.3b Microscopic structure of compact bone. (b). Lamella Osteocyte Canaliculus Lacuna Central (Haversian) canal (b)
The human skeleton. (a) Anterior view. Figure 6
Figure 5.6a The human skeleton. (a) Anterior view. Cranium Skull Facial bones Clavicle Thoracic cage (ribs and sternum) Scapula Sternum Rib Humerus Vertebra Vertebral column Radius Ulna Sacrum Carpals Phalanges Metacarpals Femur Patella Tibia Fibula Tarsals Metatarsals (a) Anterior view Phalanges