Aviation Weather Forecaster Training Plans LeRoy Spayd NWS Office of Meteorology Chief, Science & Training Core Aviation Weather Forum July 26, 2000
OUTLINE NWS Aviation Weather Forecasting Training Requirements Learning Materials Available FY2001 Development Efforts
NWS Aviation Weather Forecasting Training Requirements For all NWS job areas, subject matter expert meetings were held to define universe of potential training needs 288 total training units, 31 of which are related to Aviation Weather Forecasting From this universe, NWS has an internal process to prioritize which items to develop in any given year
NWS Aviation Weather Forecasting Training Requirements (cont.) Interagency team of experts defined a complete set of job-based training requirements for NWS, Air Force, and Navy forecasters Forecasting Aviation Icing Forecasting Low ‑ Altitude Clouds and Fog for Aviation Operations Forecasting Turbulence Impact of Aviation Weather on Customers CWSU On ‑ Station Systems/Operations Issuing Effective CWSU Products
NWS Aviation Weather Forecasting Training Requirements (cont.) Highest priority training requirements defined by NWS field users support Service Areas identified in “National Aviation Weather Initiatives” document: Ceiling & Visibility Convective Hazards Enroute & Terminal Winds/Temperatures In-Flight Icing Turbulence Volcanic Ash/Other Airborne Hazards
Learning Materials Available NWS/Cooperative Program for Operational Meteorology, Education and Training (COMET) modules now available for access via the World Wide Web (Co-Funded by Air Force and Navy): Forecasting Aviation Icing: Type and Severity Forecasting Aviation Icing :Icing Assessment Using Sounding and Wind Profiles Forecasting Aviation Icing :Icing Assessment Using Sounding and Wind Profiles Forecasting Aviation Icing: Icing Assessment Using Observations and Pilot Reports Forecasting Aviation Icing: Icing Assessment Using Observations and Pilot Reports Radiation Fog
Learning Materials Available (cont.) NWS/COMET CD Module: Review of GOES-IR Imagery Including Winter and Icing Applications (done for Air Force) NWS/COMET Resource Data Set: Forecasting Aviation Icing: The Icing Event of 6 March 1996
Available Convective Hazards Training Resources NWS has developed the following training for “Convective Hazards”: NWS Operational Support Facility/Operations Training Branch (OSF/OTB) WSR-88D Distance Learning Operations Course Warning Decision Making Workshop Supercell Explorer Storm Type and Prognostic Soundings Online case studies NWS/Central Region Heavy Precipitation Supercell
Available Convective Hazards Training Resources (cont.) NWS/COMET Anticipating Storm Structure and Evolution Mesoscale Convective Systems: Squall Lines and Bow Echoes The Convective Storm Matrix Online case studies NWS Training Center (NWSTC) Local climatological data base development for critical severe weather parameters (in conjunction with NWS/Storm Prediction Center)
Learning Materials Available NWS Alaska Region has provided a workshop for their forecasters on the “Volcanic Ash and Other Airborne Hazards” Service area - results of collaborative projects NWS/COMET hosts a Resource Training Web Page, which currently contains presentation materials on the following topics: Great Lakes Workshop: Mesoscale Convective System Case Study of 13 July 95 Methodology for Forecasting Slantwise Convection Aviation Wind Shear and Low Level Wind Shear
Weather Training for Pilots NWS/COMET produced a demonstration module on icing with multi-agency participation: - OFCM- FAA- Navy - Air Force- NASA- AOPA - Australian Bureau of Meteorology Implementation suspended due to lack of funding Good learning experience to adapt materials for other users
FY2001 Training Development NWSTC to begin work on a web-based unit on forecasting turbulence with the NWS Aviation Weather Center Continued development of web-based modules on “Forecasting Low-Altitude Clouds and Fog” by NWS/COMET Overview of Fog West Coast Fog Fog Cases
FY2001 Training Development (cont.) NWS/COMET to develop and begin offering a directed distance learning course on Forecasting Low-Altitude Clouds and Fog: To include self-paced and instructor-led modules (including teletraining) Focus on “Assessing Physical Processes leading to the Development, Movement, or Dissipation of Low- Altitude Clouds and Fog During the Forecast Period” Course also will touch on “Forecasting the Spatial and Temporal Onset and Dissipation of Low ‑ altitude Clouds and Fog”
Summary Continuing to develop high priority aviation weather forecaster training materials If funded, these materials could be adapted for other users Web address for modules: