Dr. Rita Chawla-Duggan – Dept. of Education Dr Susan Milner- Dept. of Politics, Languages and International Studies Celebrating Fatherhood Fathers’ Friday – a case study B&NES Conference June Faculty of Humanities and Social Science
Why engage fathers? Faculty of Humanities and Social Science Research – early FI and later outcomes Policy – engagement Social trends/context Absence/invisibility This case study and its benefit 2
Fathers’ Friday Faculty of Humanities and Social Science Aims – child development, contact, networks Settings The evaluation and its methods 3
Current issues Faculty of Humanities and Social Science 1.Settings and stages of engagement 2.Reflection and relationships 3.The need for building networks 4
We promoted it through the group (the parent group)..that was already running. We planned to do it like that, because dads were already in a group.(CC) The schools have done it as a day, whereas we saw it as a way to have an event that went on rather than one day. (CC) Faculty of Humanities and Social Science 5
Reflection and relationships It made me realise how badly we interact with dads. It’s made us reflect on what we’re saying to them and how we’re delivering it (Nursery) It helped us to improve our relationship with the dads that come anyway, not develop new relationships. (CC) Faculty of Humanities and Social Science 6
Limits – opportunity for support; the need for networks Contention : by involving fathers in activities which previously were seen to belong to the mother’s domain, child care and educational settings have the capacity to support families which can enhance child outcomes. Children themselves form part of this process. Faculty of Humanities and Social Science 7
. The future? Policy - partnerships Research - wider context Practice – outside interest Faculty of Humanities and Social Science 8