Cody Hall | Chris Heelan | Jorge Perez
A condition characterized by an asymmetrical distortion (flattening of one side) of the skull. (Dorland’s) Common in newborn babies, as a result of intrauterine environment or infant positioning after birth. Nearly 70% will be screened.
0 to 9 mmMild 10 to 19 mmModerate > 20 mmSevere phaly.php
30cm x 22cm area / 2592 x 1936 pixels Gives us a 0.13mm spatial resolution under perfect conditions
Use of histogram threshold
Experimental Setup
1) Show splash screen and delay 2) Show menu screen w/ two buttons ◦ Camera button will eventually call Camera API Currently a pop-up saying not implemented ◦ Load Image button will eventually allow user to select previously saved image Currently opens pre-loaded image 3) Load image and four markers ◦ Colored markers for longest diagonals 4) Press Calc. Ratio button
Markers should be dynamically created to allow for placement on longest diagonal and midline ◦ Calculate angle between two lines and automatically place markers for other diagonals ◦ Place one marker, double-tap, drag out to place other marker (line drawn while you drag) Add mid-line/ear alignment angle mode ◦ Place markers on mid-line and place markers on ears ◦ Calculate angle between lines Camera API ◦ Take new picture ◦ Load picture from Photo Gallery
Use edge-detection to find head outline and calibration dots Automatically place markers for midline and diagonals ◦ Allow for manual adjustment if needed Provide absolute distance calculations using known size of calibration dots