Presented by
Dana Dunlap Brianne Kimmel Rachel Pankiw Brian Borstein Chelsey McGrogan Account Executive Account Planner Creative Director Media/MARCOM Director Associate Creative Director – – – – –
Increase Akron Children’s Hospital Pediatrics patient volume Identify ways to promote pediatricians in their individual communities Identify ways to promote Akron Children’s Hospital Pediatrics through mass/traditional advertising The Challenge
Research Objectives Understand the target audience’s path to purchase for its first child’s pediatrician Understand the target audience and its: –Daily routine –Psychographics –Media consumption –Purchase habits Understand current perceptions of ACHP
Primary Research –In-depth interviews with target audience –In-depth interviews with an ACHP marketing communications specialist Secondary Research –MRI, eMarketer and Iconoculture –US Census, Ohio Department of Health, BabyCenter and MomConnection
Target Audience First-time, expectant mothers Parents ages in Northeast Ohio
Health Care Resources
Why Word of Mouth? 60% of WOM among pregnant and new moms carries it with a recommendation to buy, try or consider
Word of Mouth Leaders Pregnant and new moms are prolific WOM agents for all categories 11 conversations per week about health and health care
WOM conversations are overwhelmingly positive across the board –Positive outweighs the negative by a 10:1 ratio
Shared experience Anonymity Rich content
Motherhood ignites social media participation 68% increase of mom-centric social media use 44% use social media for WOM recommendations on brands and products 63% of moms use Facebook, Twitter and blogs 21% more likely than the general online population to blog
Online Community Topics
Online Moms 8 hours per week online Rely more on technology as a parent 70% of moms online participate in online communities 4 hours per week on social media
Mobile Moms Moms are big users of smartphones 92% take their cell phone or smart phone everywhere Connected via this technology
Key Findings Seeking information WOM is their primary form of communication Internet and face-to-face are secondary forms Looking for quality care that is close to home ”We care for your children as if they were our own” resonates ACH has a strong brand identity
Key Findings Continued... Belief is that services are only available in Akron Little distinction between ACH and ACHP Unaware of pediatric services offered Secondary audience: –Dissatisfied parents and families
SWOT Analysis
Target Audience Persona Lindsay & Ricky
Path To Purchase Awareness –Series of purchases –Third trimester Consideration –Location –Insurance coverage –Office hours –Scheduling process –On-site services –Hospital privileges –Solo vs. Group Practices
Path To Purchase Preference –Events –Website –Direct mail –Newsletters Trial –Pediatrician interviews
Campaign Idea Our campaign will communicate ACHP’s big hospital resources with local, personalized pediatric care by leveraging current ACHP brand ambassadors in their social networks and humanizing pediatricians to showcase what drives them as professionals and people.
Word of Mouth
Mombassador Jennifer
Mama WOMA (Word of Mouth - Akron) Blog Pregnant women are seeking info via online communities and blogs 70% of online moms participate in online communities Positive word of mouth outweighs negative by a 10:1 margin
Expectant Mother’s Day
Expectant Mother’s Day – Press Kit
Office Open Houses
Office Open House – Press Kit
Social Media
Online- Banner Ad 336 x 260 Print
Creative Bulletin Poster Out of Home
Paid Owned Earned
Media Paid: –Print –Out of Home –Direct Mail –Online
How often do you use the following media outlets to get news and advice on parenting?
Print Media
Out of Home –Tallmadge, Akron, Ellet, Barberton, Green
Direct Mail OBGYNs in NE Ohio Summit County: –6,279 births –738 Primary Care Physicians –740:1 Ratio
Social Media
Online To which of the following media is your attention most likely to be undivided attention; namely read/watch/listen while not doing anything else at the same time?
Online Continued...
Banner Advertising
Rationale Quantcast Cleveland DMA Coverage Good crossover High “stickiness”
Online Promotions Based on IP Address Paid search advertising
Campaign Timeline
Measurement Metrics Events Appointments scheduled Web traffic Click throughs Media content analysis Surveys
Budget Out of Home Research/Measurement MARCOM Print Online