13 장 Usenet Newsgroup Concept
contents What are Usenet Newsgroups? How do you read newsgroup? Finding Interesting Newsgroups Choosing What to Read Sending and Receiving Attachments Offensive Postings Avoiding Spam How to Propose a New Newsgroup
What are Usenet Newsgroups? Usenet is a distributed system messages Concentrate on a topic Hierarchical system of words Dots
What are Usenet Newsgroups? Seven hierarchies Comp: computer h/w, s/w. networking 등 Misc: miscellaneous topics News: usenet itself Rec: recreational topics Sci: scientific topics Soc: social topic Talk: general discussion Ex:Comp.systems.laptops : laptop computer
How do you read newsgroup? News servers 가 Internet 을 통해 articles 전달 NNTP(Network News Transfer Protocol) 를 통해 서 news servers 와 newsreader( 또는 news Clients) 를 연결 Netscape Messenger, Outlook Express, Free Agent, NewsWatcher, UNIX-based 의 newsreader News server 제공하는 newsgroups 중에서 선택
How do you read newsgroup? Alternative way to read Usenet newsgroup articles Deja News Web site Liszt new newsgroup listing Web site
Finding Interesting Newsgroups newsgroups News.announce.newusers News.announce.important News.answers Rec.humor.funny alternatively
Choosing What to Read Mark 또는 sort 등의 방법으로 선택 / 분류 Threads 방식을 사용하여 articles 표현 하나의 threads 는 하나의 articles Kill file 원하는 것과 원하지 않는 type 을 설정할 수 있 는 file
Choosing What to Post Something to say or discussion on a news topic Starting a New Thread Cross-post Replying by and Posting Follow- ups
Choosing What to Post Usenet netiquette Before you post a question, read the newsgroup ’ s FAQ If you are responding to a message, be sure to use the newsreader ’ s command to reply or follow up When you reply or follow up to an article, take a look at the headers of your message before you sent it Use just plain text whenever possible Don ’ t post the same message to many newsgroups If you realize that you made a mistake in an article that you posted, cancel it as soon as possible
Sending and Receiving Attachments uuencoding 을 사용 Usenet 은 text 기반 Binary file 을 text file 로 변환 Graphics files, audio files, executable program files 등을 전송하기 위해
Offensive Postings Rot 13 (Rotate by 13) a 는 n 으로, b 는 o 로, c 는 p 로 대치하는 간 단한 encryption Rot13-encoded 된 메시지는 Subject line 에 ‘ rot13 ’ 이라고 표기
Avoiding Spam Spam 원하지 않은 상업적인 목적의 nickname “ harvested ” 를 피하기 위한 방법 address 를 가공하거나, Ex: 항상 같은 방법은 피하고, 다른 이들의 header 나 signatures 를 유심히 보라
How to Propose a New Newsgroup Creating a Mainstream Newsgroup 새로운 newsgroup 을 만들기 위해서 newsgroups/part1/faq.html1 News.group News.announce.newsgroups 일반적 절차 Page 287 참조 Creating an ALT Newsgroup