D UKE U NIVERSITY P ROPOSAL S HERWIN -W ILLIAMS P AINT COMPANY Anthony Shapiro- Director of Corporate sales Tyler Shapiro- Associate director of corporate sales
P ROPOSAL TO : S HERWIN -W ILLIAMS P AINT C OMPANY O BJECTIVE SPONSORSHIP WITH D UKE UNIVERSITY MEN ' S BASKETBALL TEAM Purpose: - To increase customer awareness for Sherwin-Williams Paint company - In return the Blue Devil program will be provided with support - Our goal is to start a beneficial relationship for both the present and the future
A RENA S IGNAGE Cameron Indoor Stadium host over 12,000 crazy fans per home game. The Package will include: - Court side signage(4’12’’ sign on the floor between both benches) minute exclusive coverage on the ribbon board - One 30 second commercial on the video board - All seat covers will have logo on every seat in the stadium. - All Starting Lineups for every home game will be sponsored by Sherwin-Williams paint company.
D UKE B LUE D EVIL R ADIO & TV. NETWORKS Duke Blue Devils are televised on Comcast sports net and major TV stations(Espn, CBS, NBC). Also, the Blue Devils are broadcasted on ESPN 780. Package will Include: second commercials for every home game second radio ads for every home game - Sherwin-Williams will be recognized as the sponsor of the pre and post game live for every home game.
E VENT AND I NTERNET S IGNAGE The Duke Men’s Basketball Team has a spectacular web site showing video footage of games, also showing stats of team, etc.. Also, over 20,000 people walk past Cameron Indoor Stadium daily. Package will include: - Every home game Sherwin-Williams will be allowed to send representatives of their company to set up tables outside Cameron Indoor Stadium to auction of samples and give out benefits and also, to reach out to new customers. - The men's Duke basketball web home page will be sponsored by Sherwin-Williams Paint Company
O THER P ACKAGE P ERKS Different kinds of Sherwin-William paint selections will be named after every section in Cameron Indoor Stadium. (For example, Section 110 will be named after Dare Devil Orange).
H OSPITALITY INCLUDED.. 10 representatives of Sherwin-Williams will receive season tickets to our men’s basketball team(Floor Seats), and will also receive access to our Duke Blue Devil VIP lounge. Representatives will receive personal Duke apparel at specific home games. Two free parking passes to Blue devil home games.
S EASON T ICKET B ROCHURE We send out 20,000 season ticket brochure across Durham, North Carolina. - On those season ticket Brochures we will put Sherwin-Williams logo on the packet to sponsor your great company.
D UKE C OMMITMENT TO YOU !! Package Includes: - Arena Signage - Radio and Television recognition - Hospitality Benefits - Special Packaging perks - Internet Signage
S HERWIN -W ILLIAMS C OMMITMENT TO U S !!! The Duke blue Devil basketball program will receive the following as part of their sponsorship with Sherwin-Williams Paint Company A-- One year deal: Sherwin-William will pay a total of $50,000 B- Term-- The agreement will run through October 1, 2011 through October 1, 2012 C- Renewal-- Sherman-Williams will have the opportunity to renew this contract for the following year - Dealing date will be June 1, 2012