Water Cycle Questions
1. What is the main source of energy for the water cycle on Earth?
The main source of energy is the invisible waves of energy that come from the sun. This type of energy transfer is called radiation.
2. A. List all the changes of state that occur in the completion of one water cycle when rain falls.
Step #1- radiant energy from the sun warns the land and water. Step #2- the water evaporates and rises into the sky (water to gas) Step #3- the gas becomes liquid (or crystal) and gathers around dust particles, which creates clouds (gas to liquid) Step #4- the water falls back to earth when the particles of water become heavy enough as rain. Step #5- if the ground temperature is cold enough the water particles become freezing rain at the Earth’s surface. If the air temperature is cold enough the water becomes snow.
Use the particle theory to explain what happens when radiant energy from the Sun heats a pond.
The particle theory states that all matter is made up of tiny particles that are always moving. Energy radiates from the sun and heats everything on the Earth. When water is heated, the particles in the ocean and lakes begin to move faster and expand. The water particles eventually drift apart as the state changes from water to gas.