Math Riddles Last Day of State Assessments!!! See if you can figure out the answers
Addition A calculator was stranded on a desert island for 20 years. When he was finally rescued, what was the first thing he said? 102,050 + 5,684
What did the calculator bring home from his trip to the beach? Subtraction What did the calculator bring home from his trip to the beach? 669,703 – 92,358
Multiplication There once were two calculators named William. What did they call themselves? 28,859 x 2
Division What part of a doughnut does a calculator like to eat? 85,192 ÷ 23
What does a calculator put in his car besides gas? 122 + 588 Addition What does a calculator put in his car besides gas? 122 + 588
How does a calculator look when he grows up? 9 x 102 Multiplication How does a calculator look when he grows up? 9 x 102
Subtraction The calculator had 17 candy bars. He ate 2, gave 4 away, and split 3 with his brother. What did he have left? 6,773 – 1,236
What is between a calculator’s shoulder and his wrist? 195,714 ÷ 18 Division What is between a calculator’s shoulder and his wrist? 195,714 ÷ 18
What is a calculator’s favorite pop? 247,898 ÷ 14 Division What is a calculator’s favorite pop? 247,898 ÷ 14
Addition A father calculator had a daughter and didn’t know what to name her. Finally, he took her birth date, 12-24-82, and added it to their address, 1950, 55th St. What did he name her? 122,482 + 195055
Answers Hello Shells Bills Hole Oil Big Less Elbo Lolli Leslie