Discussion Outcomes: Nuclear Astrophysics Experiments Equipment/Facility needs Manpower
K. E. Rehm HIgS-II workshop TUNL, June 2, Reactions in nuclear astrophysics (p, ) (novae, rp-process, big bang) ( ) (red giants) ( ,p) (rp-process) 12 C + 12 C fusion (supernovae) (n, ) (r-process, s-process) ( ,n) (s-process, red giants) (p, ) (novae) ( ,p), ( ,n), ( ) (p-process) + strength function HI ϒ S is one of several tools available for this field.
K. E. Rehm HIgS-II workshop TUNL, June 2, fb Goal ( 12 C, 16 O) The formation of 16 O via the 12 C( ) 16 O reaction
Measuring the 12 C( ) 16 O via Photodisintegration The Optical Time Projection Chamber (OTPC) Gas (Target/Detector) filled volume (CO 2 +N 2 ) Grid provides the total energy ( E/E of 4 %) PMTs provide the Time-Projection (10 ns bins): out-of-plane angle of the track Optical Readout provides the track image: in-plane angle of the track Instead of the capture reaction, measure the inverse reaction 16 O( ) 12 C. The two cross sections are related by the principle of detailed balance and there is a gain of x40 in the photodisintegration cross section
Summary Thoughts on 16 O( γ,α ) Impactful measurements can be done now Measurements at and below E c.m. =1 MeV benefit tremendously from increased flux Techniques will be improved iteratively This physics is not “all or nothing” Must balance measurements at the lowest energies with high-precision work at higher energies
Few-Body Reactions for Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis D( γ,p)n 3 He( γ,p)D Can be measured with TPC technique Driven in part by improvements in D observations High precision needed: ideally ~2%
Equipment / Facility Needs Vacuum / Bremsstrahlung improvement for bubble chamber measurements Optical TPC can be upgraded: - longer detector - new scintillator - faster camera system Beam flux monitor - more dynamic range - absolute calibration Improved energy resolution with HI γ S2 would benefit many experiments Data acquisition - accommodate higher data rate - flash ADC
Manpower Needs Data acquisition Some projects lack local leadership