Art – Sculpture TASC – To create a sculpture based on the Earth’s natural resources. To create sketch books to record their observations and use them to.


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Presentation transcript:

Art – Sculpture TASC – To create a sculpture based on the Earth’s natural resources. To create sketch books to record their observations and use them to review and revisit ideas. To improve their mastery of sculpture with a range of materials (for example, clay and found materials). Additional Information Visit Yorkshire Sculpture Park to experience the work of a range of sculptors and seek inspiration for their own work. Children to use sketch books to record ideas. Visit Park Wood to collect a range of materials to be used in their sculpture. Science – Earth and Space TASC – To plan and deliver an assembly To describe the movement of the Earth To describe the earth as approximately spherical body To use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and apparent movement of the sun across the sky Additional information Pupils to work scientifically to compare the time of day at different places on earth through internet links and direct communication Pupils to learn different theories about the shape of the earth Computing – E-Safety Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact. Music TASC – To compose a piece of music to accompany a Prezi presentation To create and compose music on their own and with others To use technology appropriately To understand how music is created Additional Information Pupils to use garage band and instruments in school to record music and add own effects Religious Education - Judaism TASC –– To plan and make something a Jewish person would use to celebrate Sukkot Judaism to coincide with Sept 25 th – Rosh Hashanah (Jesish New Year) Sukkot Oct 9 th Numeracy Collecting, presenting and interpreting data about the distribution of the Earth’s natural resources Coordinates for map-reading 3D shapes (sphere properties of etc) Fractions, decimals, percentages linked to data regarding earths natural resources Literacy Poetry - based on the earth Non-fiction texts – non chronological report to inform readers about the Earth’s natural resources Persuasive – Write a letter to YSP to ask them to display own sculpture in park Geography – Earth’s Natural Resources TASC – To create an informative leaflet about their chosen natural resource To locate the world’s countries To learn about the distribution of the Earth’s natural resources. Additional Information To identify the different kinds of natural resources (energy, food, mineral, water) To locate on a world map the distribution of the Earth’s natural resources. To understand the economic activity including trade links associated with Earth’s natural resources. Physical Education Following P.E scheme of work To play competitive games and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending What on Earth? Year 5 Autumn /16 Foreign Language - French` PSHE/SEAL - New Beginnings Field Trip – Yorkshire Sculpture Park