Chap 10 Muscles, Part II Learning Objectives continued Review and learn all muscles on these slides.
Warm-Up Practice, pg Instructions: Matching. Write correct answer in your notes next to this slide. 1.Main muscle of the scalp 2.Nerve that innervates muscles of the scalp, face 3.Muscle that closes lips 4.Muscle that holds food between teeth during chewing 5.Muscle that helps depress mandible 6.Protects eyes from intense light 7.Raises eyebrows 8.Allows us to pout 9.Protrudes lower lip 10. Smiling muscle a) platyma b) Orbicularis oris c) Zygomaticus (major and minor) d) Epicranius e) Frontal belly f) Facial nerve g) Buccinator h) Depressor labii inferioris i) Orbicularis oculi j) mentalis
Lateral Muscles of Scalp, Face & Neck Epicranius: galea aponeurotica Frontal belly Occipital belly temporalis massester sternocleidomastoid trapezius Splenius capitis platysma Corrugator supercilii Orbicularis oculi Levatator labii superioris Zygomaticus minor and major buccinator Label your practice diagram as I discuss each muscle.
Muscles Promoting Tongue Movements Label all parts on your practice diagram now.
What Do These Do? Pgs Genioglossus 2.Styloglossus 3.Hyoglossus Instructions: Write what each of these muscles do now in your notes next to this slide. Be prepared to share your answers if called upon.
Muscles of the Neck & Vertebral Column Label your practice diagram as I discuss. Longissimus capitus Iliocostalis cervicis Spinalis thoracis Semispinalis toracis Quadratus lumborum What do these 5 muscles specifically do? Use the Table on page 304 to assist you. Write their functions in your notes now next to this slide.
Muscles of the Anterior Thorax, pg Label the following ‘new’ muscles on your practice diagram now. subclavius coracobrachialis Rhomboid minor Levator scapulae Challenge: Can you find these muscles that you already learned? a) pectoralis major b) pectoralis minor c) trapezius d) infraspinatus
Muscles of the Anterior Thorax Instructions: Match ‘em up. Use pages 312 – 313 for reference. 1.Rhomboids 2.Trapezius 3.Levator Scapulae 4.Serratus anterior 5.Pectoralis minor 6.Subclavius a) Prime mover to protract and hold scapula against chest wall b) Help retract scapula (with middle trapezius) c) Helps stabilize and depress pectoral girdle d) Stabilizes, raises, retracts, and rotates scapula e) Elevates and adducts scapula f) Draws scapula forward and downward (with ribs fixed)