METRO NORTH REB, A WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD Board Size: Minimum of 19 (WIOA), Maximum of 55 (REB Bylaws) Membership: Majority private sector (minimum = 10) 20% workforce representatives: Required (7): Two labor union reps (one joint labor-management registered apprenticeship program) Post-secondary education Adult basic education Economic or community development organizations State Employment Services (Wagner-Peyser) Title 1 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Optional: One or more community-based organizations serving employment needs of individuals with barriers (veterans, individuals with disabilities, WIOA-eligible youth)
COMMITTEE STRUCTURE Required Standing Committees: Career Center Committee Youth Committee Individuals with Disabilities Other Committees as Needed: Separate Planning, Funding, and Oversight Committee? ABE Transition to College and Careers Committee Issues: Need to Increase membership Competition with Industry Partnerships Draft WIOA regulations state committee membership MUST include members who are not board members!
CREATING A DEMAND-DRIVEN WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM 1.What does it mean to be “demand-driven”? What does this mean from the business perspective? From the job seeker perspective? 2.if we could design a workforce system from scratch, what would it look like? How would it differ from our current system? 3.Regarding our Metro North One-Stop Career Centers: a)What has worked well? b)What should be changed or improved? c)Is there anything we should be doing entirely differently? 4.The REB has prioritized developing industry partnerships and career pathways. In FY’16, as we develop our FY’17-FY’20 Strategic Plan, in what ways should we amend or enhance our approach to meeting the needs of job seekers and business? 5.What enhanced or new strategies should we consider in order to better serve the youth in our region? 6- Our REB and workforce system would be more successful if only…