Incorporating the US National Grid into Map Products Randy Knippel Dakota County
United States National Grid (USNG) National standard since 2001 Adopted by federal agencies FEMA, DHS, NGA, USGS Adopted by several states Florida, Missouri, North Carolina, others Minnesota (March 25, 2009) Military Grid Referencing System Interoperable with UTM
Grid Zone Designation (GZD) 6 x 8 Degrees
100 Km Squares
10 Km Squares USNG:15T VK 75 UTM: Zone 15 N 470,000 E 4,950,000 N
1 Km Squares USNG:15T VK 7857 UTM: Zone 15 N 478,000 E 4,957,000 N
Why? Multiple grids Need efficient location referencing Needed one for everyone Need efficient location referencing Need interoperability Across jurisdictions Local, state, federal, military
What about Lat / Long? Not intuitive Several formats Degrees, minutes, seconds Several formats DMS, DMS.sss, DM.mmm, D.ddd Longitude + / - West / east Increases right to left
What about Lat / Long? How big is a degree? It varies 69 miles at the equator Longitude gets smaller toward poles 50 miles in Dakota County Distance calculations are difficult
Scalable National Regional Local
Precision and Truncation 18SUJ2337106519 18S UJ 23371 06519 1 meter precision, full USNG designation UJ2306 Assume GZD (18S) UJ – 100,000 m precision (100 km square) 23 06 – 1000 m precision (1 km square) 2337 0651 10 m precision Assume GZD and 100 km square
Truncating GZD USNG:15T VK (100Km square) VK is unique for 800 miles in any direction
Critical Infrastructure Key Resources Vulnerable Population
GIS For Emergency Management Damage assessment Response Preparation Recovery Status Resource deployment Mitigation Planning Analysis
Fire Map Book
Map Index
Map 7456 (15T VK 74 56)
Street Index Dana Dr.
Map VK75 7456
Map 7456 (15T VK 74 56) 741565 (15T VK 741 565)
Deployment Maps and map books on the web Printed maps and map books Strategic distribution Train the trainer Training Dispatch
Red River Flood 100K 10K 1K
Statewide Effort Create 10K maps for entire state FGDC CAP grant Structures & data stewardship Engage locals to verify data Develop data, templates, procedures File naming convention
Merge PDF’s For each USNG pdf file in the overlay directory: Find the corresponding USNG pdf file in the basemap directory Merge the overlay pdf and legend pdf file into the basemap pdf Write the output pdf to a new directory using a date / time stamp
Merge PDF’s Adobe Acrobat – Standard Edition Watermark (with transparency!) Adobe Acrobat – Pro Edition Scripting Python Scripting PyPDF Batch processing Others…
Python Script Using PyPDF from pyPdf import PdfFileWriter, PdfFileReader output = PdfFileWriter() basemap = PdfFileReader(file("basemap\15TVK85.pdf", "rb")) overlay = PdfFileReader(file("event1\15TVK85.pdf", "rb")) legend = PdfFileReader(file("event1\legend.pdf", "rb")) result = input1.getPage(0) result.mergePage(overlay.getPage(0)) result.mergePage(legend.getPage(0)) output.addPage(result) output.write(file("200912081322\15TVK85.pdf", "wb")) outputStream.close()
Special Case At GZD Boundaries
USNG Field Names
We Need Your Help! Study USNG standard and materials Provide peer review USNG data Field names Template MXD’s 10K maps Develop standard procedures & scripts Sell it!