Introduction of a Web-CMS (Content Management System) to a HEP environment Carsten Germer DESY IT WebOffice
– Carsten DESYIT–Systems1 The Project Web DESY since 2003 Project of IT and PR Planning and staffing started 2002 Manpower 1 Concept / Programmer (CMS) 1 Concept / Editorial Staff 1 Programmer (Building Sites) 1 Technician (Hardware and System) {Joined in later due to complexity of cluster-system} Funding for Consulting (Technical and graphics) {Graphics was to be handled inhouse, which proved to be impractical}
– Carsten DESYIT–Systems2 Where did we start from Over 70 public accessable webservers Uncounted internal webservers with a variety of functionality Some single Websites with more the 2500 pages No common design, neither in graphics nor in navigation Many Pages/Trees/Sites far from UpToDate No central support possible HTML, WebObjects, Mini-CMS, EmbPerl, C/C++, Java... Solaris, Linux, Windows... - Apache, IIS,...
– Carsten DESYIT–Systems3 PreStart Requirements Mass hosting (license model) Scalability (license model) Multi Language Blueprints and packages for quick setup of new sites Quickly have real sites for testing Iterative development Interfaces to existing backend systems Incorporation of existing (web-)functionality Design and core functions to be managed centrally
– Carsten DESYIT–Systems4 Software chosen Python application server "Zope" Content Management System "ZMS" Completely Open Source Huge community world wide Many big installations of Zope up and running Professional consulting available Easy to extend Many special requirements already available as AddOns
– Carsten DESYIT–Systems5 Building, Phase I Single Machine (with failover) Sites built with common functionality No centrally managed objects Allowance for easy changes and extensions Design according to DESY-CI No centrally managed templates Allowance for easy tweaking due to functionality
– Carsten DESYIT–Systems6 Lessons learned from Phase I Learning a lot from groups and editorial staff "Test"-websites swiftly used as productive systems Functionality refined Phase 1 lasted almost two years Need of more technical support Need of dedicated user support
– Carsten DESYIT–Systems7 Building, Phase II Cluster with 6+ machines Design according to DESY-CI through central templates All extra functionality through central "Special Objects" Users and groups from DESY-Registry PlugIn of MS-Exchange calendars Easy integration of existing web-functionality Access into and incorporation of files from AFS Much more Giving back all developed code into Open Source
– Carsten DESYIT–Systems8 Let‘s have a look!
– Carsten DESYIT–Systems9 Thanks for listening. Questions?
– Carsten DESYIT–Systems10 thank you for your attention
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