Computing Systems: Organization and Design EE460/CS360/T425
2 Administrative Issues Instructor: Claudio TALARICO office location: Computer & Engineering Bldg., Room 336 office hours: M,W 10:00 am - 1:00 pm phone: (509) URL: http// Register ASAP to blackboard:
3 Required Textbook D.A. Patterson and J.L. Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design. The Hardware/Software Interface Morgan Kaufmann, 3/e, 2005
4 Grading Policy 10 homework assignments 20% of the final grade 1 midterm exam 20% of the final grade 1 comprehensive final exam 20% of the final grade 1 final project 40% of the final grade
5 Grading Policy
6 Late work will not be accepted !!!
7 Course content The computer’s components Assessing and understanding performance The ISA abstraction Basics of Digital Design and HDLs Designing the processor: datapath and control Enhancing performance with pipelining Memory hierarchy