伝統的な 結婚式 Traditional Weddings でんとうてきな けっこんしき. The groom at a traditional Japanese wedding will typically be adorned in a combination of a montsuki kimono,


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Presentation transcript:

伝統的な 結婚式 Traditional Weddings でんとうてきな けっこんしき

The groom at a traditional Japanese wedding will typically be adorned in a combination of a montsuki kimono, a short haori overcoat, and pleated hakama pants. Montsuki kimono Hakama Haori もんつき きもの はかま はおり ATTIRE

Shiromuku uchikake furisode Throughout the traditional wedding procession, the bride may change her outfit up to three times. ATTIRE

Bunkin takashimada Katsura Treated with Camilla oil Made from real human hair Worn over a protective layer of silk

Kaiken かいけん Suehiro symbolizes wishes for happiness and a bright and happy future fort the couple. Obi, where kaiken is kept, represents female virtue. And the kaiken symbolizes that the marriage is forever and the only way to break it is by killing oneself.

Fushimi Inari-taishi 伏見稲荷大使 Head shrine of Inari. The religious Shinto ceremony is often held at a Shinto shrine. This is one of the more popular venues known to cater to traditional weddings. VENUE

さかなと もち おかし Symbols for joy, prosperity, fertility and longevity are heavily featured during the wedding dinner. It is said that the number of dishes served at a wedding should be odd numbers to avoid the couple being divided, thus dishes often come in pairs. MENU

San-san-kudo さんさんくど Shugi Bukuro しゅぎ ぶくろ All guests are expected to bring Oshugi, a cash gift. Said gift is presented in a decorative envelope called Shugi-bukuro. This custom is the heart of the Japanese wedding ceremony, taking place of the vows. CUSTOMS

近代的な 結婚式 Modern Weddings きんだいてきな けっこんしき

The groom typically attends in western garb (tuxedo). Although there are exceptions in which he will don the traditional kimono, most commonly in the event of his being a がいじん (foreigner). ATTIRE

Cherry blossom influenced design ATTIRE

Chapel on the Tomamu Resort, Central Hokkaido Western style weddings tend to take place in some form of chapel. Couples can choose the style of chapel that they feel is appropriate for their unique commitment. Usually, it is within a hotel. VENUE

As the styles of Japanese weddings vary, various food such as Japanese, French, Italian, and Chinese are served at modern Japanese weddings. MENU

Western Influenced CUSTOMS Vows Weddings rings Veil Wedding kiss Cake cutting Flower shower Bouquet toss

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