Lesson 12-1 Pages Stem-and-Leaf Plots
What you will learn! 1. How to display data in stem-and-leaf plots. 2. How to interpret data in stem-and-leaf plots.
Stem-and-leaf plot Stems Leaves Back-to-back stem-and-leaf plot
What you really need to know! One way to organize and display data is to use a stem- and-leaf plot. In a stem- and-leaf plot, numerical data are listed in ascending or descending order.
What you really need to know!Stem Leaf Leaf │5 = 25
Example 1: Display the data on the following slide in a stem- and-leaf plot.
Peanuts Harvested, 2001 State State Amount (lb) Alabama2400 Florida2800 Georgia2800 New Mexico 2400 North Carolina 2900 Oklahoma2200 South Carolina 2900 Texas2600 Virginia3000
Stem Leaf Leaf │4 = 2400 lb
The stem-and-leaf plot lists the percent of voters in each state that voted for U.S. representatives in
Which interval contains the most percentages?
What is the greatest percent of voters that voted for U.S. representatives? 59% 0 1
What is the median percent of voters that voted for U.S. representatives? 37.5% 0 1
Which state produces more honey? California at 45 million pounds.
Which state has the most varied production? California. The data are more spread out.
Page 608 Guided Practice #’s 3-9
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