Jesus as God & Man 2 Natures in One Person
Human Beings Humans have one nature, we are human. Created by God to be unique, to have stewardship over the earth.
Jesus is Human We know Jesus existed 2000 yrs ago historical documents prove it He was a carpenter He ate with friends He cried when his friend Lazarus died
Jesus performed miracles Jesus is God Jesus performed miracles Feeding 5000 with 2 fishes and 5 loaves of bread Turned water into wine Cured the sick Raised the dead Walked on water
Jesus Fully God Fully Human Jesus is a unique being, He is fully 100% God and 100% Human It doesn’t make sense mathematically because it is a mystery There is no mixture of each nature they both exist in harmony
Jesus the Incarnate Word Incarnate means ‘To take on flesh’ St. John said “the Word became flesh” The Son of God took on human nature in order to accomplish our salvation in it. God became Human so that He could show us how much He loved us, even willing to die for our sins.