© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX The story of the U.S. Constitution Liberty Tree.


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Presentation transcript:

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX The story of the U.S. Constitution Liberty Tree

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX Magna Carta English Bill of Rights Liberty Tree Fundamental Orders of Connecticut Mayflower Compact Town Hall Meetings House of Burgesses Articles of Confederation Continental Congress U.S. Constitution

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX At the Constitutional Convention, the delegates created a new plan for the U.S. government that focused on two things. Structure and Function

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX Structure Structure Structure is the framework of our government.

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX structure What do you notice about the of a tree? What do you notice about the structure of a tree? limbs root system branches leaves tree bark

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX three Judicial Legislative Executive The government structure has three branches.

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX Structure Legislative Branch: Structure Senate 2 per state2 per state 6-year terms6-year terms House of Representatives based on populationbased on population 2-year terms2-year terms Elected by the people Bicameral = made of two houses

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX Structure Executive Branch: Structure President (4-year term)President (4-year term) Vice-PresidentVice-President Cabinet MembersCabinet Members AppointeesAppointees

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX Structure Executive Branch:Structure Vice President Vice- President Joe Biden Barack Obama PresidentPresident Secretaryof Secretary ofState State John Kerry

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX Structure Judicial Branch: Structure U. S. Supreme Court (life-terms)U. S. Supreme Court (life-terms) District Courts (appointed)District Courts (appointed) County and Local Courts (elected)County and Local Courts (elected) U. S. Supreme Court (life-terms)U. S. Supreme Court (life-terms) District Courts (appointed)District Courts (appointed) County and Local Courts (elected)County and Local Courts (elected)

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX function provides shade home for some animals holdssoilinplace holds soil in place What is the function of a tree?

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX provide for the common defense provide for the common defense ensure domestic tranquility ensure domestic tranquility promote the general welfare promote the general welfare justice establish justice secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves, and our secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves, and our posterity The preamble to the Constitution tells the function or WHAT the government does for the people.

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX Idea may become a bill (proposed law) in House of Representatives or Senate Makes lawsMakes laws Legislative Branch:Function Function U.S. Congress People discuss ideas and tell representatives in Congress Bill becomes a law if approved by both houses and signed by the President

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX Executive Branch: Function The White House Ensures that the laws are carried outEnsures that the laws are carried out Elected by the people and electoral college systemElected by the people and electoral college system

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX Judicial Branch: Function Function Supreme Court Interprets the laws (decides if laws are fair) Tries civil and criminal cases in lower courts Nine justices on U.S. Supreme CourtNine justices on U.S. Supreme Court Appointed by President and approved by CongressAppointed by President and approved by Congress

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX Each branch checks and balances the other branches. President Congress Court Supreme Court

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX Legislative branch can remove judges from office Executive branch can veto law Legislative branch makes laws Checks and Balances Legislative branch can override presidential veto with a 2/3 vote Judicial branch can declare a law unconstitutional

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX Executive branch appoints Supreme Court justices Legislative branch has to approve the appointment of the justices

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX House of Representatives brings charges against the President (impeach) Legislative branch can remove president from office Senate holds a trial and 2/3 vote needed to remove President from office

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX The structure and function of our government are based on seven basic principles.

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX 7 Principles of Government Individual Rights Republicanism Checks and Balances Separation of Powers Limited Government Popular Sovereignty Federalism

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX The U.S. Constitution has Articles that explain the structure and function of the government. The U.S. Constitution has seven Articles that explain the structure and function of the government.

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX Article 1: Legislative Branch Article 2: Executive Branch Article 3: Judicial Branch Article 4: Relations Among States Article 5: Amending the Constitution Article 6: National Supremacy Article 7: Ratification Articles of the Constitution

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX Since King George III had unlimited power, the writers of the U.S. Constitution wanted “we the people” to put limits on the government. The Constitution outlined exactly what the government could do.

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX Separation of powers divides the operation of government into three equal branches.

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX “Sovereignty” comes from “sovereign” which means ruler. “Popular” means people.. Popular sovereignty = people choose In other words…

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX Popular sovereignty is the belief that the people hold the final authority in government.

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX Each branch of the government, or monitors, the power of the other two branches. Each branch of the government checks and balances, or monitors, the power of the other two branches.

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX Individual rights are the basic liberties and rights that are guaranteed in the first 10 amendments to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights. These individual rights have been extended through subsequent amendments to the Constitution. Examples Freedom of speechFreedom of press Freedom of religionRight to a trial by jury jury

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX Republicanism is a philosophy of limited government in which elected representatives serve at the will of the people. Examples State legislaturesCongress

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX Federalism is the division and sharing of powers between the state and national government. National Powers maintain armed forcesmaintain armed forces coin moneycoin money declare wardeclare war make foreign policymake foreign policy State Powers provide for educationprovide for education conduct electionsconduct elections provide public safetyprovide public safety regulate trade in stateregulate trade in state

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX Powers Shared by National and State Governments raise taxesraise taxes administer criminal justiceadminister criminal justice provide for public welfareprovide for public welfare charter bankscharter banks borrow moneyborrow money

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX Rooted in these seven principles, the U.S. Constitution has endured since This living document protects the rights of the individuals by limiting the power of the government.

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX Constitution Executive Branch LegislativeBranch Congress (Pedals = House of Representatives and Senate) Judicial Branch Supreme Court Justices Separation of Powers Checks and Balances The People President (center of Executive Branch) Checks and Balances

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX Label the parts of the tricycle with these other words. The People Executive Branch Legislative Branch Judicial Branch PresidentCongress Supreme Court Checks and Balances

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX Visual Metaphor: How is the U.S. government like a tricycle? How is the U.S. government like a tricycle? Visual Metaphor: How is the U.S. government like a tricycle? How is the U.S. government like a tricycle? Handle bars = Constitution Platform = Separation of powers

© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX The foundation of our government and the supreme law of the land