The Horizontal Cooperation Strategy and its First Knowledge Sharing Workshop: Background and Purpose Presentation by the Director of the Unit for Social.


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Presentation transcript:

The Horizontal Cooperation Strategy and its First Knowledge Sharing Workshop: Background and Purpose Presentation by the Director of the Unit for Social Development, Education and Culture, Sofialeticia Morales Ottawa, Canada - October 27, 2003

SUMMITS OF THE AMERICAS Democracy Human Rights Telecommunications Environment Hemispheric Security Trade Social Development Education Culture Labour Priorities and plans of action set by the Presidents of the Americas in the following areas, among others: Unit for Social Development, Education and Culture

Culture Education Employment and Labour Social Development Fight against poverty An intersectoral view to development Unit for Social Development, Education and Culture

Culture in the process of the Summits of the Americas Ministers approve the Horizontal Cooperation Strategy First Meeting of Ministers and Highest Authorities of Culture I Summit of the Americas “We recognize the heterogeneity and diversity of our resources and cultures” “we can advance our shared interests and values by building strong partnerships” II Summit of the Americas “In its broadest sense, a process of integration based on respect for cultural identities will make it possible to shape a common, interwoven set of values and interests that helps us in these objectives.” III Summit of the Americas “We consider the cultural diversity that characterizes our region to be a source of great richness for our societies. Respect for and value of our diversity must be a cohesive factor” Second Ministerial Meeting

Strategy of financial assistance: One-way flow of resources Strategy of Collaboration: Exchange of resources, information, ideas and personnel to reach a shared objective. What constitutes the model of Horizontal Cooperation? On its own, it tends to impose models: Development Aid It is an opportunity to collectively review and build experiences and models: Horizontal Cooperation +

It exceeds the vision of centralized knowledge and is led by the countries What constitutes the model of Horizontal Cooperation?

Horizontal Cooperation The political will of a country offering its consolidated program to share its successes, processes and lessons learned. The technical capacity of the countries that are either offering or receiving an consolidated program to support and participate in a process of critical reflection that will allow for the identification and appropriation of relevant lessons. What is the basis of the model?

Horizontal Cooperation Advantages and commitments FOR THE OFFERING COUNTRY: FOR THE RECEIVING COUNTRY:  Its program is disseminated internationally.  It may support another country, regardless of its level of development.  It benefits from a hemispheric perspective that allows it to reveal its accomplishments.  It allows for a participatory assessment of its institutional processes.  It benefits from cooperation that addresses a problem that has been identified as a priority.  It receives materials and knowledge that facilitates the development of its own strategies.  It has access to specialists that can support the training of personnel  It receives support to strenghten its strategies with the lessons learned from other experiences.

1. Identification of Consolidated Programs 2. Creation of a Permanent Portfolio of Consolidated Programs 3. Linking Supply and Demand 4. Knowledge Sharing Workshops 5. Lessons learned, follow-up and pilot projects STEPS CURRENT SITUATION Identified Created 29 programs from 11 countries Horizontal Cooperation Strategy among Ministries and Authorities in Culture

1. Identification of Consolidated Programs 2. Creation of a Permanent Portfolio of Consolidated Programs 3. Linking Supply and Demand 4. Knowledge Sharing Workshops 5. Lessons learned, follow-up and pilot projects STEPS CURRENT SITUATION Identified Created Horizontal Cooperation Strategy among Ministries and Authorities in Culture Countries have been consulted First Workshop in Canada...

Knowledge Sharing Workshop on “Cultural Diversity, Youth Employment and Youth Exchanges” Ottawa, October 27-31, 2003 First Workshop of the Horizontal Cooperation Strategy among Ministries and Highest Authorities in Culture Department of Canadian Heritage

What are the main objectives of this Knowledge Sharing Workshop? Analyze the Young Canada Works Program, the Youth Employment Strategy (YES) and the Exchanges Canada Initiative from two perspectives The promotion and respect of cultural diversity Help young people enter the world of work Identify lessons learned and recommendations from these experiences, in order to improve the strategies and programs implemented in each country that target young people as promoters of cultural diversity. Achieve the critical transfer of the Canadian experience. Learn from experiences of other countries and deepen the analysis on how to improve them.

Epistemological Framework of the Critical Transfer A critical analysis of the experience that is being shared is needed, in order to make it “objective” and later appropriating and “transforming it”. (move from object to subject) The cultural and labour reality of youth in our countries is similar, but each country faces specific circumstances. The achievements and difficulties of a program that works in one country have lessons to give to other countries. They are also a seed for similar projects, once transformed to fit the reality of each country.

1. Descriptive factors 2. Historical factors 3. Current factors 4. Evaluation and prospective factors It is necessary to analyse the factors for the sistematization and critical transfer: Epistemological Framework of the Critical Transfer

Description: What? Who? How? When? Where? Why? Historical Planning Project oriented Cooperative learning Sistematization History Current moment Prospective Current conditions Planning and Evaluation Opportunity Areas Actors Scenarios Opposing Forces THINK BIG CRITICAL TRANSFER PROCESS OF ACTION AND REFLECTION Current conditions

The Agents of Change are the key of the process of critical transfer. “People make history don’t suffer from it”. You can change the conditions of youth and the development of cultural policies in your countries. The seed only grows on fertile ground. Partnerships with other entities enriches the soil. It is necessary to document the process in order for the analysis and transfer not to be an event but a process. Epistemological Framework of the Critical Transfer

Next Steps - to be explained in greater detail in the last session Application of lessons learned Virtual follow-up coordinated by the OAS Website will coordinate the joint exchange, dialogue and mutual learning process. Gathering of efforts to design Hemispheric Projects.

Invitation to participants and audience Let’s ensure this Workshop promotes the analytical, critical, open and equitable interaction among participants. Let’s deeply analyse the information that Canada is so generously offering us, in order to rethink the situation of youth, as promoters of cultural diversity, in our countries. Let’s keep in mind the objectives of this Workshop and seek lessons learned and consider recommendations.