Splinter Session 2C - Report Professor Stuart Marsh UK Co-Chair, GEO Science & Technology Committee UK GEO Project Head of Geoscience Technology British Geological Survey
Contributions EuroGEOSS addresses multidisciplinary interoperability –EC has key role in GEO and needs to lead by example Process not complex; tools available; we must commit! Terrafirma is the GMES ground motion monitoring service –Complexities of data supply side may limit data sharing –Examples include commercial interests, property blight These complexities can be overcome e.g. Radon in UK Releasing raw data can encourage economic activity SAFER is the GMES emergency response service –3 data levels; raw, altered products and final products Proposal: open access to products to wider community Proposal: GEO should consider strengthening links to open community e.g. OpenStreetMap, crowd sourcing
Contributions SIRIUS: user-driven services for river-basin governance –Developed free, on-line, updated tool called SPIDER Proposal: SPIDER could serve pilot areas worldwide Proposal: tool could support training on EO & IWM Proposal: could be made available (creative commons) CEOP-AEGIS: integrating hydro-meteorological data on large, transnational river basins e.g. For Tibetan plateau –Terrestrial water cycle data, integrated by catchment –Portal, EO, in-situ networks, hydro. and atmos. models Proposal: products will be open to scientific community and have or will be registered in GEOSS Proposal: test interoperability, with help of EuroGEOSS Is our reluctance (perfectionism, litigation fear, business interest, “lead” in a topic, etc.) biggest barrier to release?