CESNET Association and CESNET2 Network Jan Gruntorád Managing Director CESNET Member of the DANTE Board of Directors Member of the GN2 Executive Committee TF – PR, PragueFebruary 1, 2007
Overview 1. CESNET Association 2. CESNET2 Network and CEF Network Concept 3. Research plan: „Optical National Research Network and its New Applicaton“ 4. CESNET Development Fund 5. International activities 6. Concluding remarks
CESNET Association CESNET (Czech Educational and Scientific Network) esatblished in 6 th March 1996 as a not for profit legal entity - NREN in the Czech Republic Association of Legal Entities (z.s.p.o.). Members: - 25 Universities - Czech Academy of Sciences 52 staff members in Prague More than 150 part-time universities and Academy of Sciences staff working on projects
July, CESNET Association takes over operation of the CESNET Network - September, call for tender for project TEN-34CZ participation - November, contract for TEN-34CZ between Ministery of Education, Youth and Sports and CESNET signed (1996 – 1998, 555 mil.CZK/3 years) CESNET2 Network Brief History1
CESNET Association runs two independent network infrastructures - CESNET (no Accetable Use Policy - AUP) - TEN-155CZ (with AUP) process of selling CESNET network iniciated CESNET network (infrastructure, customers, staff) sold to Contactel - CESNET Association operates TEN-155CZ, later CESNET2 network CESNET2 Network Brief History 2
Customer (User) Empowered Fibre (CEF) Networks – General Concept - started in the middle of 90´s of last century by purchasing (deploying) dark fibre in the Metro area - possible due to liberalization of the legislation for telecom. services and decreasing cost of fibre optic cables and related equipment - CESNET started lease fibres between cities since national fibre footprint contracted for 1 – 5 year (fibre lease)
The 4rd Customer Empowered Fiber Network Workshop - September 19 – 20, 2007 Prague - Organized by CESNET - Previous workshops (2004, 2005, 2006) - Global attendance, high evaluation by the participants
CESNET2+ Design Goals (GÉANT2+ extention in the Czech Republic) - IP core min. 10 Gbps, highly reliable, routed, production backbone - Research Data Network (RDN) circuit-based, support Few-to-Few applications, high-bandwidth (1 GE, 10 GE) links
Topology CESNET2 - January 2007
Future plans in DWDM infrastructure
Funding - Research plan: „Optical High Speed National Research Network and its New Applications“ – Funded by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech republic and association members – budged cca 12 Mil EURo/year Research activity annual reports available
1.CESNET2 backbone network development – Václav Novák (CESNET) 2.Optical networks – Stanislav Šíma (CESNET) 3.Programmable hardware – Jiří Novotný (MU in Brno) 4.Network and traffic monitoring – Tomáš Košňar (CESNET) 5.Performace monitoring and optimisation – Sven Ubik (CESNET) 6.AAI and mobility – Milan Sova (CESNET) 7.IP telephony – Jan Růžička (CESNET) 8.METACentre – Luděk Matyska (MU in Brno) 9.Virtual collaborative environments – Eva Hladká (MU in Brno) 10. Support of distance education – Boris Šimák (CVUT in Prague) 11. CESNET CSIRT – Andrea Kropáčová (CESNET) 12. Medical applications – Milan Šárek (CESNET) Research Plan Activities
CESNET Development Fund - based of the CESNET commercial network sale resources (cca 400 mil. CZK) - fond funds invested into bonds and/or low-risk financing means - yearly profit is used for: a) increasing the fund capital resources (min. 5%) b) suppost of the research and development projects (min. 35%) c) stabilizing the Association employees (min. 25%) d) education and training of the Association member´s employees (min. 10%) CESNET Development Fund Board (7 members) elected by the CESNET General Assembly
Participation of CESNET in International Projects EGGE II – design and implementation of the Grid middleware (CESNET is umbrela org. for Grids in the Czech Rebublic) LOBSTER – design and implemantation of pilot pan-european IP monitoring infrastructure
SEEFIRE - study on availability of optical infrastructure in south-east Europe ORIENT - connection of GN2 to Chinese R&D network CERNET Porta Optica - dark fiber based research network deployment in Eastern Europe, the Baltic States and Southern Caucasus regions GN2 – involvement in all joint research activities (JRA)
NATO Projects in Azerbaijan - CESNET implemented two projects on design and implementation of the R&D network in Azerbaijan - total value mil. CZK (100% funded by NATO)
Concluding Remarks - last decade was devoted to getting enough bandwidth (no issue any more) - future challenge is to deliver End-to-End services user friendly way (middleware) to the users - having access to fiber End-to-End is key presumption for success - there is much more to resolve……
Thank you for your attention!