QUALITY ENHANCEMENT PLAN 2014 Think FSU: Improving Critical Thinking in the Disciplines Target Population: Juniors and Seniors within the disciplines Approved by SACS Commission on Colleges in December 2014 Report due March 16, 2020
FSU COMPONENTS OF CRITICAL THINKING (AKA WHAT STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO DO) Explain Issue/Problem Select Evidence/Information Analyze Context/Assumptions/Perspectives Formulate Thesis/Hypothesis Draw Logical Conclusions
WHAT HAS BEEN DONE SO FAR? Office of Critical Thinking Initiatives Student Learning and Program Outcomes Approved and Entered into the IE Portal Research protocol established and approved through Human Subjects – including both quantitative and qualitative methodologies
Presented the 2015 Critical Thinking Colloquium Trained 23 faculty and staff as CAT Graders Established partnerships with University Libraries and Student Affairs
In Fall 2015, FSU has: –Two Faculty Fellows School of Teacher Education Biology –Four Discipline-Focused Projects Biology Communication Science and Disorders Interior Design Public Safety One confirmed Discipline-Focused Project for Fall 2016 –Nursing
THE NUMBERS 1,400+ students 14 Majors 10 of 14 Colleges Offering Undergraduate Degrees –One Branch Campus Administered 1,200 CAT Tests
SOLID START We have good breadth now we need depth.
CTI GRANT PROGRAMS Faculty Fellows Program –$5,000 Individual Grant –One critical junior/senior course taught twice –Two or more FSU components –Assessment Discipline-Focused Projects –$10,000 Department Grant –Junior and Senior Curriculum –All 5 FSU Components –Assessment
WHO SHOULD PARTICIPATE– FACULTY TEACHING JUNIOR AND SENIOR COURSES WHO Employ High-Impact Practices Are Innovative Teachers Are Interested in Making Curricular Changes to Increase Critical Thinking Skills Studied Critical Thinking in the Discipline
QUESTIONS Office of Critical Thinking Initiatives 408G Westcott Building